Finally, months later, and with a lot of experimentation, I have managed to take care of the above problem.
Racking, and hitting with large doses of K-meta did not solve the issue. The film kept returning.
Following the protein overload theory, I tried additional bentonite. While this pulled some solids out of the wine, it did not rectify the issue, and the film returned within a week.
I applied sorbate, hoping that it would make the environment unsuitable for anything to grow. The film returned.
Kieselsol managed to pull a few solids out of the wine, but didn't solve the problem.
In the end, Chitosan worked like a charm.
The unfortunate part of this learning experience was the excessive number of rackings that took place to accomplish this, which ultimately thinned the wine down to a point where it will be fairly thin on the palette. At least in the future I will not need to tip a kit gone sour down the sink again due to this issue.