I am very new to winemaking and am rather obsessed. I have done several different batches, but it seems as though commonly the yeast is working so well it always ends up dry… I follow exact recipes but I do use a hydrometer and I think I am finally understanding the concept. Use it first to measure the sugar which is basically 1.95 (if I have my decimals in the right place) and it ferments for a week or so and then I put it in the secondary fermenter at around 1.4 ish? Does this sound somewhat correct? I guess my question is this… do I let the yeast eventually die on its own or do I kill the yeast with a camden tablet when it sort of "tastes" right or reaches 1.00ISH on the hydrometer? I basically like a dry wine, I do NOT like it super sweet. But good GOSH my strawberry tastes like rubbing alcohol! I understand I think the backsweeting concept… and I can do that. But it is it common to ALWAYS back sweeten? My peach is very dry also… I have always grown up canning, etc. so YES I had a freezer FULL of fruit that I felt like needed "cleaning out" -- so I have several going...