Why does fresh peach smell so bad?

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Oct 30, 2011
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Did my first racking on my peach wine. Dang, it smells awful.

Quite awhile ago I did peach, mango, strawberry and pineapple (frozen fruit) and it had the same awful smell. But the latest racking it smelled wonderful. I am so glad I did not pitch it out!

So what is it about peach that makes it smell so bad? A friend said it smelled like a perm - the ladies here would know that smell.....
So glad to read this! Not because you have a bad smelling wine, but because I do too and was getting concerned. I pitched yeast for mine on Sunday (Cotes des blanc). Monday and Tuesday, it smelled great. By yesterday morning, there was a bit of a "funk". Definitely still there this morning, though it greatly dissipates after a little stirring.

Edit: Forgot to mention that at 1.020, it tasted pretty darned good. At 1.010 - not so much. :s
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If the smell is leans toward rotten eggs then the yeast may be stressed. I had one batch of apple that smelled terrible that I blame on a particular yeast I tried since my LHBS was out of the normal that I used. Since then I have not used that particular nutrient and have done an open ferment for the first three to four days before putting under an air lock, I have not had a problem since then.
I think that may just be the way peach smells during ferment. Ours did the same thing.
Most odiferous fermentation I've experienced was my peach.
Every member in my home HATES the smell of wine fermenting, while I adore the odor! You learn to sniff out the good, the bad...and once the "rotten egg" whiff rears its ugly head just react calmly, give it a good stir, make sure the yeast are happy.
Of all the many fruit wines I have made, the peach is just horrible smelling. I almost threw out the peach/mango/strawberry/pineapple, it was that gross. I just don't know what the smell is. We racked the lees off the peach again today and one almost needed a gas mask. A very sickening smell. It was so gross smelling I did not taste it like I do all the other wines I have made. I always taste them at every racking but no way on the peach. It smelled lethal!
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Lalvin 72B I use that for all of my fruit wines and never had a problem. My gut feeling it is something in the peaches themselves that cause the smell
Did you guys wash your feet before you started smashing the fruit?? LOL, I have not made peach wine, but have read a lot of posts over the years that people complain about the smell. A friend of mine made it and he never did get rid of the oder. Finally went down the drain. Good luck with it. Arne.
I'll be racking mine to secondary tonight or tomorrow. I was sitting at 1.000 this morning. Hard to believe that this might be producing some wonderful peachy wine a year from now. :)

Poormanfarm: Cotes des blanc is another good yeast for fruit wines. That's what I'm using on mine.

Sammy: we may have to do a trade next summer to compare our batches.
Arne the peach/mango/strawberry/pineapple had the same smell and I was so tempted to pour it down the drain every time I racked. Two weeks ago at 3 months, I had add kmeta to all the wines in the crawl space. It was wonderful smelling them. I actually gag when I pour the lees down the drain because of the stench. And it is throwing so much lees, I had to rack 2 days in a row. I don't use finings as I prefer to age and let it settle out.
Boatboy, I did some of mine with vanilla beans for the heck of it. It is really disappointing to see how few gallons I will end up using 50 pounds of peaches. There is a slew of lees and I had to rack 2 days in a row and now on the 3rd day, there are more lees again.
Peach is one of my favorites I used my beer fermenter(fridge) set at 60 degree with the 71b and it smells a lot better also did this years apple the same way i Have the same report.
I am glad to find this post. I am three days into a peach SP, and it smells kinda like vomit. I started the SP like usual, but added 1/2 gallon of peach cider. I used half of an apple slurry to kick start it and it is fermenting like crazy, but WHOA!, stink like I have never had yet. I like the smell of fermentation. This smells like the fairgrounds right outside the big spinning tilt-a-wheels. Time will tell.
I ate some canned peaches this evening, and was very surprised to find that bad odor as an underlying odor of the peaches. I guess it was always there with peaches, but you do not notice it until you ferment out all the good peach smells. I hope it fades with time.
It'll fade and blend its way back in to the facets of the peach wine over time... I've heard the "vomit" analogy a few times in this house :)

Degassing when fermentation is done, helps... Doesnt cure it - time does that - but degassing helps
Interestingly, I was considering pitching the whole 5 gallons of peach, when my new yeast nutrient came in the mail. I had 5 tsp in the 5 gallons already, but chose to add more. I added three more tsp. and the must frothed and bubbled like crazy. Next morning the smell was gone and it smells like peach again. Maybe peach just requires more nutrient?