Wine Cellar

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hey hey hey and hi wade

the little round tab i see at the end of one of the rows - what is it? looks like a adhesive foam tab to keep bottles from rolling around? huh?

have a great day

Thanks everyone. RRawhide, it is a cabinet door stopper(bumper) to prevent your cabinet doors from banging hen closed. Most of them are very small clear 1's so as that they are almost invisible so you really dont see them at all.
Appleman, there are 2 batches of beer there. 1 is a Nut Brown Ale from last year and the other is a Brew House Cream Ale. i still have not brewed an all grain batch though I have all the gear to do it. In 1 Corny is 5 gallons of the cream ale and the other holds 5 gallons of sparkling crab apple.
NW, I have only 2 batches bulk aging, a Super tuscan and a Cal. Syrah. In a month or Ill be picking Mulberries and more Crab apples I think,I cant remember what time I picked them last year from in front of the Church but I gave the Father a few bottles and he was loving life and couldnt thank me enough and gave me permission to pick all I want every year.
Bert, I probably drink 2 glasses every other night most of the time, this is my busy season for work and side work. I put in 12 1/2 hours today and will probably do another tomorrow and will almost be finished with this side job that I started installing today.
These are the old cabinets that look nice in the picture but are literally falling apart.




Edited by: wade
These are the new ones being installed. I ripped out all the lowers and
some of the uppers and had some pretty bad setbacks that took quite
some time. I had to replace some flooring that wouldnt be covered by
the cabs. due to a Home Depot error in ordering cabs on their behalf.
Then moving the fridge very carefully didnt make a difference as the
thin copper water hose foer the ice maker and water of course already
had a kink in it and let go as I gently pulled it out so I had to run
to Ace Hardware and but some flexible plastic hose and fish that
through the floor to the finished basement and that was all better.
Her are the base cabs all installed.


Are those cherry doors on the new ones....??????..I love that color.

You do real fine work...relax now and enjoy some of your best.

Have a Good Night!!
I see more folks going back to the dark cherry cabinets all the time. They are nice but do darken a space up. If you have a bright sunny room they can really stand out nicely. It adds a touch of elegance to the space. Be sure to show us the finished product.
Getting there! I put in all the upper cabs today and started some fascia and crown but didnt take a picture of that yet as it just doesnt look good 1/4 done. Made a template for the granite guys to do their stuff and hopefully they get that made in the next 2 weeks so I can finish this all up.


Edited by: wade
Almost done, just have to go back next weekend and install drawer and door pulls and fill in some nail holes. Granite will be ready for me on 6/24 but I got paid today in full as she loved the job and she wants me to install a chandelier and some shelving in her laundry room now for more extra cash.

Nice buildup work Wade. I wish more folks could afford this kind of detail nowdays. Most work here these days is pretty plain Jane stuff - other than the occasional detail house. Great install.

Here is a sample. This is the house I am working on today. I haven't fine tuned things yet, but this gives an idea of the finished house.

Edited by: appleman
That looks awesome Rich. Now all you have to do is transplant that house on my property! Please.
Wade send me a photo of your lot and I can place the house on it - or any other style you want. This is a custom house the client came up with. The tower on the left is a 12 sided library with an upper reading area, open in the center. I haven't done any landscaping with it yet.
Its Done!!!! Me and the granite guy installed the countertops today and I plumbed the new undermount sink. My part is all done finally. She is having a tile guy come in and do full tile back splashes with some nice tile that she picked out the other day.

great job Wade

bet you are glad that this is finally done and the $ are in your pocket or maybe George's pocket.

Anyway - hey!!!

That looks incredible. You must be super proud! I know that I would be.