Mosti Mondiale Wine Coditioner

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Feb 16, 2009
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I got a Vinifera kit to make Liebraumilch. It contains a small bottle that is labeled "Wine conditioner -Concentrated Grape Juice". It also says "See Insrtuctions". The instructions don't say anything about when to add this.

Question: When should this "conditioner" be added?

I don't want to start this kit until I know what this stuff is.
I have not made this wine.
My guess since its a sweeter wine that its a f-pac/sweetener. That should be added after you add the k-meta and sorbate. Depending on the mfg. clearing may be done before or after adding.
This kit is a slightly sweetened wine. I believe the conditioner in this case is the equivalent of of WineXpert's F-Pack. It is a concentrated juice for flavor and may contain some wine stabilizers. Follow the kit directions and these are normally added after the potassium metabisulfite and potassium sorbate. Those stabilize the wine to prevent renewed fermentation. Then add this small bottle and follow the clearing steps after. Hope that makes a bit of sense.
Thanks for taking the time to answer. The issue was there was nothing in the instructions for when to use.

Now I can start this. Liebraumilch is a great summer wine and needs little aging.

Good luck. If you have any questions during fermentation .. ask.

Let us know how it comes out.

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