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Mar 21, 2009
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I have never been as excited about anything related to wine and winemaking since I have done an extensive literature and study search into the health benefits of moderate wine consumption.

We've all heard about the latest research and what not, but it only is convincing once you dig deep and understand the data, and I have. So the evidence is as convincing as ever.

In this forum, I look forward to sharing your thoughts and experience on the benefits of healthy drinking, just like the fellow who had not one, but two heart attacks and then decided to take up wine making and drinking.

WINE IS GOOD FOR THE HUMAN BODY. Let's raise a glass (or two) to that. Let me hear from you.

Ok Daniel,

How about sharing what you know. I know red wine is suppose to be good for you because of Resveratrol but what do you know about white wine?
adding to the reservatrol thread of this discussion...about a month ago i was pouring wines at one of my wine tastings and a lady came up to me and introduced herself as a chemist for Welch's.....she proceeded to tell me that there is more reservatrol in cold climate grapes because part....more reservatrol is produced in vines that face more disease pressure found in colder and more humid/wet climes

(i am adding this in) i didnt say diseased vines..she said vines that face more disease pressure

i thought that was interesting
Al, that is very interesting, if you go to North Carolina they will tell you muscadine wines have the most reservatrol.
adding to the reservatrol thread of this discussion...about a month ago i was pouring wines at one of my wine tastings and a lady came up to me and introduced herself as a chemist for Welch's.....she proceeded to tell me that there is more reservatrol in cold climate grapes because part....more reservatrol is produced in vines that face more disease pressure found in colder and more humid/wet climes

(i am adding this in) i didnt say diseased vines..she said vines that face more disease pressure

i thought that was interesting

Yes, the Welch lady is absolutely right. Here is the excerpt in my book that mentions this.

It is interesting to note that resveratrol molecules are manufactured under stress in plants as a mean to fight off fungal infections. Then too, resveratrol is also classified as a phytoalexin (antibiotics produced by plants that are under attack) and, therefore, concentrations of resveratrol are highest in grapes grown in cool and wet climates. This is the basis of the Xenohormesis Hypothesis which states that “animals have evolved to sense stress signaling molecules in other species, in order to gain advance warning of a deteriorating environment.”
Very cool info you guys! Keep it coming as knowledge is power but I ttypically cant get myself to read very often unless its on a site like this and in small doses as i seem to loose interest in reading fast (fall asleep)! :sl
Very cool info you guys! Keep it coming as knowledge is power but I ttypically cant get myself to read very often unless its on a site like this and in small doses as i seem to loose interest in reading fast (fall asleep)! :sl

Well, on the lighter side of things, but still backed by some serious research, women who drink two glasses of wine a day have reported to experience greater sexual satisfaction than non-drinkers or one-glass-a-day drinkers. We can safely extrapolate these results to men, without the need for any scientific studies. But gentlemen (and post-menopausal women), be forewarned—alcohol exacerbates snoring. And yes, moderate red wine consumption is also believed to help alleviate erectile dysfunction problems.
Al, that is very interesting, if you go to North Carolina they will tell you muscadine wines have the most reservatrol.

It's all about procyanidins, and the Tannat grapes have the highest concentration. Tannat is the grape of Madiran wines as well as some beautiful wines from Uruguay.
Ok Daniel,

How about sharing what you know. I know red wine is suppose to be good for you because of Resveratrol but what do you know about white wine?

A study just published in the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology journal concludes that grape-derived polyphenols (eg. in wine) reduce colorectal cancerous tumor growth by inhibiting angiogenesis and inducing apoptosis.
Love the info Daniel but dont you dare print that wine drinking is associated with snoring again cause if my wife see's this it will all be over! She'll throw a hand grenade in my cellar! Keep that great info coming and so glad you decided to jump on our forum and share your knowledge in an area where I know I lack.
Love the info Daniel but dont you dare print that wine drinking is associated with snoring again cause if my wife see's this it will all be over! She'll throw a hand grenade in my cellar! Keep that great info coming and so glad you decided to jump on our forum and share your knowledge in an area where I know I lack.

LMAO! I'm just reporting the facts. Show her the bit about greater sexual satisfaction; surely she'll want to reach some compromise.
I like to think that red or white wine is good for me...In fact, I like to think that everything is moderation : )
It's true that Muscadine/Scuppernong variety wine has one of the highest resveratrol concentrations due to leaving the skins in the primary for longer than other red/white wine recipes. The skin of the wine is what holds the greatest concentration of resveratrol. The muskiness and sourness factor of this wine wouldn't exist without doing this extended skin soaking period. Also, it is very high in vitamin C and Postassium. I love living in the South!
What do you thing of this article?
Any truth in it?

Yes, red wine is believed to reduce the risks of Type 2 diabetes. I discuss this in my new book "Wine Myths, Facts & Snobberies."

This is not a new study but rather a meta-analysis of many studies. It's disappointing because it still points to resveratrol knowing that wine has little of it to warrant such great health benefits. The real "magical" ingredient is procyanidins -- and there was no mention of that.
Georgian wines

Georgian wines, especially wines of Kakhetian type are rich in bioantioxidants, such as bioflavonoids and resveratrol, which protect human’s organizm from free radicals, that cause various illness. These bioantioxidant strengthen action of vitamin C, protect nervous tissues, suppress an inflammatory processes, resist to development of allergy, improve circulation of blood, adjust function of endocrine glands and infhibit the development of cancer. Traditionally the wines are made in qvevri – the clay vat dug in the ground.
Glad to have you aboard Sandro, looks like you have a very good knowledge on this subject also!
Georgian wines, especially wines of Kakhetian type are rich in bioantioxidants, such as bioflavonoids and resveratrol, which protect human’s organizm from free radicals, that cause various illness. These bioantioxidant strengthen action of vitamin C, protect nervous tissues, suppress an inflammatory processes, resist to development of allergy, improve circulation of blood, adjust function of endocrine glands and infhibit the development of cancer. Traditionally the wines are made in qvevri – the clay vat dug in the ground.

Well then! I'll have to search out Georgian wines.

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