Wine Labels

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I bought my paper from Walmart. It is a 8 1/2 x 11 photo paper with self stick backing that is labeled as easy to remove. Only about $8.50 for 20 sheets. My labels are a little tall but I can print 4 per sheet so I only need 8 sheets per 6 gallon batch bottled in 750 ml bottles. My next batch I am changing up and putting 24 1/2 size 375 ml bottles per batch. More bottles is more labels (smaller).
I think Ive posted some before but here it goes for you!

Excellent!!!! Wade,

I really like the Pear Reserve!!! They will look great on the bottle too.

Label making gets in your blood just like winemaking!!!

Can only show 2 as when I post 2 more on another post it just replaces the 2 previous! ???Let me try one after this post.
I put the Cherry ones on today and bottled but Im not much of a
photographer and whether I turn the flash on or off on the digital cam.
they dont come out very well
dang wade! you've been busy while I've been away. The labels look great! You need to try again with that camera though - we need pics. on some digital cameras you have to press teh button half way so the digital reading can beset and then press the rest of the way for the picture to be taken. Try that with yours.
Will give it another try Sang! Starting my Nut Brown Ale tommorrow!
Winemaker, I get my labels at, www.4th&vine.comYou get a cd rom disc, for over printing. and all the inst. with your first order. You can get different tin plates. You just type in the label, worded the way you like. Badhabit
WOW wade! Those are all nice wine labels. I think I might try my hand at a few. I usually just let George make them. But, these are really nice. I like them all! Great job!

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