Wine racks

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Reviving this thread to ask a question. I moved recently, so I find myself in need of a way to store many bottles of wine. It doesn't appear that the Seville wire wine racks are available any longer.

Random googling leads me to these from Regency, which look pretty similar:


I have a couple of questions.

First, does anyone have any experience with this brand?

My second question is also for those of you with the Seville. Can you stack multiple rows of Burgundy-style bottles? I am worried about those bottles slipping off each other. This unit even says they have a deliberate downward slant to keep the corks wet. (Unless your bottle is half-filled, I don't think you have to slant the bottle down to keep the cork wet!)

Any insight appreciated.
I am worried about those bottles slipping off each other. This unit even says they have a deliberate downward slant to keep the corks wet. (Unless your bottle is half-filled, I don't think you have to slant the bottle down to keep the cork wet!)
If it's a forward slant, I would NOT stack bottles. Tight against a wall with the rack reversed? Maybe.
I have not lost a burgundy bottle yet and I have quite a few of them. I have employed several stacking tactics over the years trying to find one that is more stable than the other. The reverse stack seems to be very stable (see pic). But on some shelves I have them stacked 3 high and they are very stable. Just depends on the bottle shape and if it will rest firmly or not. Some do. Some don't.

I have not seen the Seville in years but I did spot one on FB about a year ago. A local was selling his house and getting rid of stuff he didn't want to take with him and as soon as I saw it I PM'd him and said I would take it. Got it for $40 which I thought was a steal since they are now extinct for all practical purposes I think.

I also have those large interlocking 2'x2' rubber exercise mats in front of the racks so that should a bottle slide out it will land on a mat and not a concrete floor.



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