Mosti Mondiale wine volcano!

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Apr 14, 2009
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Greetings, I am new to this but want to start by saying thank you to all of the posts that I have been able to read over the last several weeks while preparing for this adventure! This forum really helps.

I have a question. We just started a Mosti Mondel Cab Sauv del Veneto with oak, our first kit. We dutifully followed the instructions and put the primary fermentation ina room that stayed 75 to 80 degrees. The fermentation was very active. After two days we checked the SG and it was at 1.04. The instructions say to rack when the SG reaches 1.04 to 1.05. It was only two days but we had kept the room warm and we live at 8,900 ft. I don't know how that effects the process but we figured that we should go ahead and rack since the SG was at 1.04. We added the oak chips and transfered. Upon transfer we had lots of bubbles and foaming over. It all settled down after 1/2 hour or so but would bubble over again as we tried to top off. It is bubbling very nicely back in the 75 degree room.

The question is, should we have just added the yeast nutrient and waited a couple more days until the SG hit 1.02 before racking? It does not say anything about that in the instructions but I have read it in the forum.

By the way, for any other Newbies reading, when your wife suggests that you open your firstbag of juice in the storageroom rather than in the guest bedroom with the white bedspread and light carpet, where you are going to be fermenting at 75 degrees, you should open the bag in the storage room..... I fortunately listened to my wife and avoided yet anothermajor mistake as juice sprayedall over...
Always good to heed "suggestions"

welcome to the forum
as I have seen in these posts and from experience that time is such a variable and the SG is the constant so I always rack at the hit of the SG target
Have you thought of going to a more wine colored decor in that room?
For the first few kits you really should follow the instructions. That being said I am really bad about doing that and have not had a problem - yet. I don't like racking so early for the very reason you just described (part of why you may consider being very careful in that room), the yeast are pretty active at that point and they can easily go into overdrive. I believe Mosti wants to to rack early to add oxygen and nutrient to the must to help it ferment completely. When making mead I usually add the nutrients in 3 stages right into the primary and stir it several times a day. I am sure I am not adding the same amount of oxygen but I am not getting the over flow either. Maybe racking it to another fermenter would decrease the chances of the wine overflowing.
I would not rack again @1.040 again.

What happened was you introduced more O2 thus the volcano. Wait till 1.020 or lower and leave the lees behinde
Thanks everyone, that really helps. Tepe, when I rack again at 1.020 should I try to transfer the oak also?
I didnt mean to rack it again at 1.020 rather the next batch.
so for the NEXT kit;
You are making a kit right?

When did they say to add it? I know some add it in the primary. Some of the oak you add is powder and fine pieces. That will be left behind as they pretty much dissolve.

If you want you can always add more when aging.
Tepe, yes I am making a kit. They said to add it to the carboy at the first racking after primary fermentation. I was going to add oak spirols during a 2 to 3 month bulk aging period. It is a cab andI like oak.

I did splash the wine into the carboy per George's instruction video but it was really fermenting in the primary bucket and like I said, it had reached 1.040 after only 2 days.

Everything seems to be going really well, especially since I listened to my wife and didn't spray juice all over the guest bedroom
One thing you will find is that wines will ferment on their own schedule. Sometimes the SG will drop over night, other times you will wonder if its stuck its going so slow. A lot will depend on the weather, usually a little slower in the cooler months and faster in the warmer months. A steady temperature will help, but sometimes the wine will finish when it finishes. That is why we want to know thing like the starting SG, current SG, and the temps. Smart move on adding the spirals and listening to your wife. What is the next kit on deck?
Always listen to SWMBO
Add the spirols as you stated.
Next is the
<DIV align=left>Lodi Old Vine Zinfandel - with "Crushed Grape pack" just waiting for George to ship.
<DIV align=left>
<DIV align=left>Tepe, what is SWMBO?
I also am not fond of the early racking although like everyone has said i understand the train of thought behind it, if you have a 6.5 gallon carboy then it would be fine but being that active with very little headroom is not a great idea.
thanks again everybody. It helps to get some feedback when you really have no idea what you are doing.... I won't be able to give an update on how it tastes for several months but as I have read here many times, patience, patience, patience.

Tepe, my wife says that you are very wise.
That is quite the kit you have going there, make sure you give this lots of time to become what it truly can become.
Wade, that is my plan. Most of what I have read here seems to say that you get what you pay for and the more expensive kits are that much better. When I look at the per bottle cost it seems like a few dollars more per bottle will definately be worth it after all the effort and waiting.
I would love a recommendation on a kit that will produce a great wine but can be consumed in six months or so without sacrificing the potential end quality. Unfortunatley for me, I don't like whites. Any ideas?
Trog said:
thanks again everybody. It helps to get some feedback when you really have no idea what you are doing.... I won't be able to give an update on how it tastes for several months but as I have read here many times, patience, patience, patience.

Tepe, my wife says that you are very wise.

I Believe I resemble that remark LOL..
Tell you wife Thanks,,
I basically only make the RJS Grape skin kit wines and i find them all pretty good after 4-6 months but man do they just keep progressing!

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