The kit I made in 2015 was a WE SE Valpolicella (it states on Label peelers website that the Valroza was formally named the Valpolicella, so I think it's the same kit). Mixed it up as usual per the instructions (was only 1.080 SG) and added some grape skins from a prior ferment of Dornfelder (6 lbs added) that had been fermented with BDX yeast. My notes say I didn't add any other yeast so I'm assuming it fermented with BDX yeast.
All I can say is that it is gone, unless I have some hidden away that I don't know about. It was lighter in body but was very good in my opinion. I'd make it again once I get all my aging wines bottled. I have no notes about excessive kit taste (which is strong in some of the red kits). I'd have to classify it as an everyday Italian type red. Very enjoyable, but usually to complement a meal. I'm sure I did open one just to drink it, but I remember serving it numerous times with a pasta dish or pizza. Hope that helps!