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Winter is loosing it's grip....Has been melting for the last 3 days...actually got up to 50* yesterday for a brief time....

Today I took a stroll through the Garden Center at Wally World looking for spring.....smelled the new smells of garden hoses and plastic pots..not many plants yet...but a wonderful supply of bare root plants in bags....Have had good luck with these found a bag of Liatris [Blazing Star] 50 bulbs for $7.+....brought those home and took my Amaryllis bulbs out of the root cellar...


Got to play in the dirt....

My little garden is beginning to come alive.....


Will start some seeds within a few days...

Let the good times roll....

Edited by: Northern Winos
Four bluebirds showed up today. They checked out my houses. These boys won't stay. They are probably heading up NW's way. My resident ones won't be here for a week or two yet. But it's time to clean out the birdhouses and put them back together. I was going to try to get a picture but they didn't stick around long enough.Edited by: swillologist
Colder here today...North wind blew in and it got to 17 last night...will be colder tonight...But the sun is warm and the days are longer....
Life is Good!!!

How do you post pictures to a topic and not be the topic starter? I dont ever see the icon to insert photos unless I start a new topic.Edited by: Okie1
You have to click on the reply button in the other persons posts and not just start writing at the bottom of the page, that is just a quick response post area. You will see at the top of the other peoples posts 2 areas at the extreme right quote where that will retype what they wrote all in parenthesis and the reply button which will open what looks like a new post area with all the features.
Edited by: wade

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