Wire gauge for catch wires?

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Dec 13, 2021
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Templeton, CA
I’m hoping to install the catch wires on my vsp trellis this weekend. Irrigation wire and cordon wire were put in last year when I planted the vineyard. As the grapes grow out this year, it’s pretty obvious that I need to finish up the trellis.

Any suggestions on what sized wire to use? Longest run is about 160 feet with posts no further than 20 feet apart.

Thanks in advance
What I wound up using is galvanized electric cattle fence from Farm and Fleet. It was readily available, it can be tensioned some, Moms grapes used the same wire, my guess is it is 10 gauge. I have a T post on every plant so there isn’t much load from the plant, fruiting time is the big stress.
Thanks all - thought I should circle back with what I ended up buying for future growers reference.

I ended up going to my local Orchard Valley Supply (great store) and getting 13 gauge. 14 was what was recommended here via PM as well as in conversations with other home growers here in the area. OVS also suggested that but was sold out and not able to get any in a timely manner.

So off to the next challenge - hanging it up… I‘ve got two beefy friends coming so hopefully the three of us can knock it out reasonably smoothly.

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