Alright so.... Here's the secret recipe. Use anyone of these additions and you'll be sure to take first place. Me personally, I'll be using all of em. So good luck.
1) 4.5 gallons of Welches White to make it "taste crisp and not taste sweet"
2) Fortify with 0.4 gallons of "Best Choice" 100% denatured alcohol from CVS. That way the judges will know that your wine is the "best choice."
3) Add a tube of vizine to clear all that sediment up and keep the wine from coming out too dry.
4) Add a pack of Duracell copper top to adjust TA. "Cuz you can't top the coppertop."
5) Add Clairol 57 for better color, "a color so natural only the hairdresser will know." None of the judges are hairdressers right?
6) Add an old "dynamic tension" book by Charles Atlas. For body. "Add this to your wine and then yours can have a body like mine."
7) Add a Nike shoe. A well used one, preferably a running shoe. "Because victory is paid for in sweat courage and preparation." Add a Nike shoe! "Just Do It!"
8) Add Arpege perfume at bottling time to insure that your bottle arrives safely to the judges. "No bottles to break, just hearts." When I win.
9) Add Castroil to make sure that your wine is well put together, stays in balance and goes down smoothly. This is the most important part of the whole process. "It's not just oil, it's liquid engineering."
10)And finally, add a can of Kidney, Liver and Rice Purina dog food. There's nothing left to add after this. "All you add is love."