WineXpert WOOT! Started my first batch.

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The fact that it didn't taste good at this point is OK, they almost never do. What temp are you testing SG at? 1.000 is just a bit high, but if I recall this is an IM kit? If so that is about right as these have lower alcohol, so will be closer to 1.000 than a stronger wine. If you go 3 days in a row at 1.000 you are good to go.
Scuba, these are early drinking wines but without the F-pack ,(where most of the flavor is) there wont be much taste. Once the reserve flavor pack is added it will be another story although I have not tasted that 1 yet but must say I like them all but some of them are very sweet while others are just perfect. Try adding 1/2 the F-Pack and stir it really well and then try it and decide if you want to add the rest. Id give it another day or 2 and check SG again. You dont want your 1st batch fermenting in the bottle because of not being done especially when you will be adding that f-pack which is loaded with sugar to get fermentation roaring again if not stable. Remember that the stabilizers will only prevent a wine from refermenting, it will not stop it from fermenting.
That is one of the ones I have done. It does taste a lot better after adding the f-pack. That is loaded with the flavors of kiwi and pears and makes it a lot better. To me it was too sweet for my tastes, but mys sister and others loved it. I just don't like them that sweet. It also improves after a month more in the bottle. If it is stable for three days you can proceed as long as it's that low. If it was 1.025 I would say it wasn't close , but under 1.000 is real close.
Thanks for all the help guys, I figured most of the flavor came from the f-pack. When I was testing in the wine thief, there was a good amount of bubbles that formed in the wine thief, is that normal?

I let you know what the SG tomorrow is, the air temp was around 73-75* and yes this is a IM kit.

Just so you know, towards the end when the SG is pretty low, the fermentation is much slower then it is as this is when the yeast is petering out or just plain running out of sugar to munch on.
tested it again, it is right about the same mark as yesterday, hard to tell when it is in the wine thief though. ;-)
Almost all the mist kits I've done in the past have gone down to 0.994 or lower. If the wine is still quite gassy, take a sample with the thief, pour it into a sanitized jar, cap it up, shake the heck out of it to get rid of all the gas, THEN take your measurement again. You'll probably find it has lost 2 to 3 points in SG.
Ok guys, I will be testing the SG one last time today and if it is good I will be adding the rest of the chemicals. Any pointers on degasing or stiring it up?I am using a wine whip.
Yes, be careful after adding the sulfite and torquing the drill as this will wnt to foam up bad. If you have a spare towel out it underneath, even better, if you can do this in a tub I advise strongly and start the drill off slowly, stop, wait a second then repeat. Do not create a vortex in the carboy which looks like a tornado. This will just draw in oxygen and defeat the purpose.
Thanks wade, ill take your advice on the tub, i have a big concrete tub thing in my basement that ill put it in.
Scuba, how far in did you poke the airlock into the rubber grommet on top of the bucket lid? Did it fit "loose" on yours? uavwmn
I put the airlock snugly into the bung so that it was sealed well enough to keep the air out, I cant say that it was loose, it was in there pretty good.
Ok, just finished with step 3, clearing and stablizing.





Ill let it clear for 14 days and then bottle. :)
I think you're just about 7 days behind me is this process! I did my stabalization last Friday. It's been 9 days and mine seems to be having trouble clearing. Its sort of way to describe it.
did you degas well enough, it said it would have trouble clearing if you didnt stir it well enough, or maybe it just needs that extra 5 days or so.
Don't feel you need to be in a hurry to get it from this stage into the bottle. Extra time, and even an extra racking, will not hurt it.
I was planning on racking it once more about 2-3 days before I plan on bottling it, I want to use the spigot on my primary to help me bottle.
<laughing> I beat the crap out of it!

Unfortunately I think I got sorta carried away and created that vortex thing wade warns about...ah well..that's why this is the first batch....we learn from our mistakes.
All that does is oxidize the wine,Im sure it didnt do to much damage. That vortex would have nothing to do with the wine not clearing.
I wanted to rack this into my primary about 3 days before I plan on bottling, this sound OK to you guys? How do I keep the air off it in the primary, there is that large space between the wine and the lid.



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