Working on Labels

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Jul 31, 2012
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Howdy, Just started making wine a couple months ago, so I dont have any ready to bottle yet. I figured in order to keep my mind off of drinking cloudy wine and lowering the headspace in my carboys I'd start working on some labels. Outside of drinking the wine after it is made i am trying to figure out what is the most fun...........making the wine or making the labels. Here is a couple I am playing with........what do you think? nafarmboy


Both are great I like the Bronze Muscadine best. :br
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Thanks Rod.......I like the pin up look on the peach but I like the fantasy at on the muscadine too. A person don't realize how many choices there are when it comes to labels till they start trying to decide. Nafarmboy
Both are fantastic! But the peach is my favorite.

What kind of labels are you using? You got nice edge to edge color.
Boatboy, These are actually printed on some 39lb brochure paper and cutout with a paper trimmer and glued on with a glue stick but I used the Avery 8168 label and DesignPro 5 that I was telling about earlier, and they printed well within the margins. nafarmboy

Beautiful labels. I like the heavy labels and I use my grand daughters glue stick after I spray on a couple layers of my wife's hair spray. Labels come off with water. :b
pin up looks is truly great idea, represent the vintage era.
i think there will be great in you made a pin up girl series to all type of your wine.
I havent a clue how it will turn out yet but you can rest assured I will spell Liberty correct on it before I print it stick it on 30 bottles and give half of them away. LOL

looks great nafarmboy! fantastic with skeeter pee on top!
did you made this pin up series?

IMO, liberty vineyard & winery logotype not look good or catchy. you have to made it look great in the markets. this identity really important so you have to upgrade it.
Copenhagen, i gladly accept constructive criticism. Are you talking about the font, the name, or the whole logo in general? I have been playing around with the labels for a month or so and i haven't really got settled on anything, i have actually been trying some other fonts for the logo as i agree it is something that i need to settle on and stick with. The name is something i am pretty settled with.
Copenhagen, i gladly accept constructive criticism. Are you talking about the font, the name, or the whole logo in general? I have been playing around with the labels for a month or so and i haven't really got settled on anything, i have actually been trying some other fonts for the logo as i agree it is something that i need to settle on and stick with. The name is something i am pretty settled with.


I think he is trying to sell his service to you. I don't know this for sure but from what I can find out so far, I believe this is why he is on the site.
You think so Julie, i wouldn't doubt it, i thought maybe he saw my labels and felt sorry for me ;) . Don't anybody needed to feel sorry for me right wife and i were headed into town to see a movie and low and behold i spotted a 5 gallon plastic carboy laying on the side of the road. I made her take the next exit and turn around and let me pick it up. Little road trash but other than that perfect. :) thanks for looking out for me.