We just finished pressing our Cab, fermented 8 days, Brix -1 at press via hydrometer. Got 7.5 gals out of 108 lbs of grapes. No water added. Is it worth freezing the skins, with oak chips, to add to a mid level kit later? Roy ps new press worked great!
Steve, I pressed them fairly hard. Couldn't get any more juice out of them. The pressed skins were very dry. I saved 2 full gallon bags in freezer. Probably will add them to Home Winery Concentrate Cab Sav. Thanks Roy
Roy, the press looks great. One question. It appears to me that you have lined the opening in the base of the press. Am I correct? Hard to tell from the picture but it looks like a piece of PVC tubing and it also looks like you beveled the top edge inward. Are you really that clever or are my eyes deceiving me?
You can always add some water and sugar to the skins and referment them, it will make a nice light wine or you can use the refermented wine to make a fairly nice brandy if you have a distiller.
I actually get pressed skins (cake) from a local winery to add to kits and it really helps. I add 5-7 lbs per kit. That is usually a gallon ziplock bag about 2 inches thick.
I think you'll find it worth the effort. Use some peptic enzyme to help get as much out of those skins as possible.
I will be using 100# of pressed Malbec grapes and put them in a Amarone juice bucket that I have ordered. We we see how this turns out. Hopefully give the juice bucket the extra body that they usually need.
I have done this a few times now and it definitely improves a juice bucket or kit. Perhaps some extra body but I immediately noticed the flavor and tannins.
This has been discussed previously on the kits forum. Member @colemanm put me onto it. For example see: