Would you use this press on your grapes?

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No Mike I leave them intact. Since I use a racking cane to transfer with a pump, I don't need any spigots. I'm not sure the plastic would be rigid enough to work well with one, but as long as you get it in place with no leaks, I don't see what harm there would be experimenting with one.
you can lay the lid on lightly on these brutes, but i recommend you get cheesecloth to lay over the opening before laying on the brute lid because it acts as a light gasket for the rim and prevents most fruit fly types from entering...simply using the lid will not act as a good enough barrier
Wade said:
Thanks for the warning on the Brute Casters as Im getting a few any day now and will either get the caster cart or make my own depending on what they have for pricing on casters alone to make my own. As for sanitizing I prefer Star San as you can put it in a Spray bottle and it lasts much longer.

Hey Wade, do you have a Harbor Freight near you. They have those furniture dolly's on sale all the time. You could just just add a 3/4" of plywood on top of one of those also.
The Brutes arrived today!


Primary fermenters........ Check!
Mike you need one of these for transfering your wine from the brutes. I bought this one and never used it. If you or anyone else is interested in it pm me with an offer.
Super transfer pump.

You don't recommend I get inside with a fly swatter or something......

Al Fulchino said:
you can lay the lid on lightly on these brutes, but i recommend you get cheesecloth to lay over the opening before laying on the brute lid because it acts as a light gasket for the rim and prevents most fruit fly types from entering...simply using the lid will not act as a good enough barrier
i would recommend more, but i never heard that you got in that press and did the pressure test :)
IBG, do you have a vacuum pump yet? If so that would be fine to rack from the Brute to carboy otherwise Runningwolfs pump would be a good investment.
Roger that.

Vacuum pump........Check!
Orange carboy caps............Check!
Extra racking canes and tubing......Check!
You be good to go then. You surely wont want to lift that full Brute up.

i cant type any more on this...one's internet history could follow me around :)
Drove down to Las Cruces for a long weekend. Drove over to Deming, NM to check on the grapes. I could have taken them home this weekend but he will be picking them and crushing them next week so will make another trip down either during the week or next weekend depending on when they harvest. Supposed to have heavy rain tonight so could drop the brix and delay things a few days.

Here are some pics I took.




Can't wait!
Mike..you can use my pictures :) hehehe...and put your head above my shoulders if you like hahahah

on a seriosu note..Mike did you get to taste the grapes? how were they?