More on the hydrometer calibration conversation between Wade and Appleman...
Itmay beworth an evening of experimenting with your own hydrometer to find out how accurate it really is. And, the info you dicover is better than the listed calibration temps andchart the manufacturer send with the hydrometer.
Start with distilled waternear the coolest temp you are likely to see in your fermentation area. Read the SGrecord both temp and SG. Raise the temp a couple of degrees and repeat.Do that until youget up to 80 degrees or so. Then graphyour readings of SG versus temp. Now you have calibrated your hydrometerand you know what it is telling you. BTW I have done this with 2 hydrometers andboth were off by .002. Is this worth doing? I am on myfourth hydrometer and have only calibrated two....