yellow ring at the top

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Sep 5, 2014
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Looking for any input. I've been bulk aging for approximately 3 months a kit red. Sometime in the past 5 days it developed a yellow ring in the top inch of wine in the carboy neck. Obviously I'm worried that the wine will be ruined. After seeing it, I racked the wine into a clean carboy, topped it off and added sorbate/kmeta. Any words of advice?
You didn't happen to get a picture of it, did you? What kit is this?
Overall the taste and smell was better than before I started aging. It was a winexpert Cabernet.

Did you ferment it dry and follow all the kit directions?
I'm not sure what that is, but I think you did the right thing by racking and adding KMeta. Has the yellow stuff come back?
All of the RJS Winery Series red kits I have made have developed a yellow ring in the neck and it has not been a problem. I don't know what it is but I now look on it as a sign of excellence!
If in doubt, contact WineXpert directly and ask them. Offer to send that photo to them.
It's been about 5 days since racking and kmeta. I think I see a bit of yellow at the interface between the wine and the glass of the carboy. Maybe it needs a substrate to develop on. It is definitely better than before. I followed all the kit directions except I added additional tannins and french oak cubes. The oak cubes were sanitized in a steam chamber for 40 minutes before adding to the carboy.
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