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Senior Member
Sep 30, 2009
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Banbury UK
Two men walked into a bar, ordered two beers, took some sandwiches out of their packs and started to eat.
"You can't eat your own sandwiches in here" complained the Barman.
The two men stopped, looked at each other and then swapped sandwiches.
A man bought a new fridge for his house. To get rid of the old one, he put it in the driveway and hung a sign on it saying "Free to a good home, you want it, you take it"
The fridge stood there for three days and nobody even looked at it twice.
He decided that people were too suspicious, it looked too good to be true. He changed the sign to one that read "Fridge for sale $50."
The next day someone stole it.

Two men were asked what they would like to be said about them at their funerals.
The first one said, "I want someone to say I was the Worlds greatest footballer ever."
The other one said, "I want someone to say, 'He's moving, he's moving!'"

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