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  1. mbleill

    Gum Arabic

    After placing 50 ml of glycerin in the bottom of a 6 gallon carboy the glycerin will be thoroughly stirred and dissolved when doing the final racking using the AIO vacuum pump. The wine agitation caused by pumping in the 6 gallons will be more than enough to dissolve the small quantity of...
  2. mbleill

    Gum Arabic

    I add the glycerine and gum arabic to an empty carboy and any other final ingredients like SO2, ( sorbates if sweetened), then rack the wine into the carboy. Let carboy sit for 3 or 4 days before bottling.
  3. mbleill

    Gum Arabic

    I have been using liquid gum arabic for several years on all of my white wines. It enhances mouth feel. I also add glycerine. Both just before bottling. Gum arabic at the rate of 1 milliliter per liter. (23 ml for 6 gallons of wine) This is consistent with the referenced rticle written by...
  4. mbleill

    Measuring Dissolved Oxygen (DO) and Sparging with Nitrogen

    i have been researching managing oxygen in the winemaking process and reducing it by sparging with Nitrogen gas. As armature winemakers, does anyone do this and has it improved your finished product longevity and taste? If so what type of DO meter and sparging equipment do you use and...
  5. mbleill

    extended maceration

    MLF needs temperatures in the range of 65 to 75 deg F.
  6. mbleill

    Wanted Looking for Semillon grapes or juice for sale.

    Looking for Semillon grapes or juice for sale.
  7. mbleill

    Semillon grapes or juice

    No. I have not found a source for Semillon grapes or juice yet.
  8. mbleill

    Semillon grapes or juice

    I am interested in making some white Bordeaux wine and having a problem finding Semillon grapes or juice to purchase. I live near Cincinnati, OH. Does anybody have any ideas of where to purchase juice from this varietal? Thanks so much for your input! Cheers!
  9. mbleill

    Other FWK Bordeaux - High PH - Need Input from Experienced Wine Makers

    I have learned that it is important to gently stir the wine after adding a KSO2 solution before retesting. This is important when using a 10% KSO2 mixed with water. The water with a specific gravity of ~ 1.0 will tend to sink to the bottom of the container unless given the time to blend with...
  10. mbleill

    Cleaning Tubing

    I use the Bottle sanitizer SOLD BY Steve from ALLINONEWINE.COM. I place one end of the tubing over the nozzle and the other end in the sanitizing solution in the bucket and press down to turn the pump on. I then hang the tubing to dry or use it to transfer wine. link: Pressurized Bottle...
  11. mbleill

    Pipette Replacement?

    Thanks for the replies. Very helpful. Background: I have had a Venmetrica 300 Pro Kit for 4 years now It came with various pipettes for transferring wine and chemicals when testing. Since then I have replaced the supplied burette with (2) 10 ml burettes. Being an engineer and not a...
  12. mbleill

    Pipette Replacement?

    Hello, I saw a post recently that referenced a device that measured small liquid volumes accurately but can't find it again. What is a device that performed liquid volume capture and measurement for testing purposes? 5ml to 25 Ml. I do a lot of testing.
  13. mbleill

    Wine duds— Do you dump or salvage?

    A good friend of mine told me that bad wine makes a good environmentally friendly weed killer. :cool:
  14. mbleill

    Can you sell your wine legally if you're a home grower?

    Hello Dirty Vineyard, Nice Video but I respectfully believe your information on the allowable bottles of wine to be incorrect. Federal law allows a two adult household to make up to 200 US gallons of wine for personal use and consumption. Assuming the standard 750 ml bottles, this equates to...
  15. mbleill

    Corona Virus & Day to Day

    Thank you for clarifying. Best regards and cheers! Mike