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  1. S

    microscope to study yeast

    I just bought a mcroscope-- gee its hard to operate. i tried 3 diferent factory prepared slides so far and all i see are my eyebrows. I thought i was just going to look thwough the eyepiece and see whatever. I think i am using an improper technique for focusing. ill just have to...
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    Is my basement too cold

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    Yeast under microscope

    Thanks pete I have opted to buy a microscope with more magnification options but without the digital camer adaptor. The price will be the same. The company includes some prepared slides and blank slides with it. Also they sell a couple of beginner kits for staining and for intro to micro...
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    Yeast under microscope

    That sounds like more fun than studying yeast
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    Yeast under microscope

    Pete my next question is how to stain a specimen like yeast. I will be researching as best i can but your input will be a guide i'm sure
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    Yeast under microscope

    And a good one too-- The cameras asre really not part of the microscopes at the level i wish to buy.
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    Yeast under microscope

    So would I Al.
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    Yeast under microscope

    Compare with no cigarettes-- no beer--no whiskey--no drugs and i almost never drink wine either. No car payments--no anything payments--no mortgage--no rent((lot rent 215.00 a month) 400.00 is a drop in that bucket my friend
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    Yeast under microscope

    Thanks pete I also would like a scope capable of showing my grandson amoeba-paramecium etc. what power would i need for that.. I would like to spend once. So im looking at this one also. I value your inpur Pete...
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    Yeast under microscope

    OH OH i thought this wine making was an addiction
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    Yeast under microscope

    I will have to read and listen to many suggestions before i do this. It was a lot easier buying stainless boiling pots lol BTW Waldo--any snow by you??
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    Yeast under microscope

    Al it seems that one can take pictures with these microscopes. maybre i could get some pics of well fed and of stressed yeast.
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    Yeast under microscope

    Actually, i'm willing to spend 300 dollars for a digital microscope-- i really would like one to hook up to a laptop rather than pay for the little 3 inch screen on the scope. I also want to use it to try and interest my grandson in something with some potential. My total lack of...
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    Yeast under microscope

    What magnification is needed to see yeast activity. I am looking at a new toy a celestron 44340 i know nothing about microscopes
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    This sounds bad

    Oh well he is going to try a diferent recipe. but i wish he would go for larger batches. Perhaps the yeast was fruitfull and multiplied.
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    This sounds bad

    The guy said he used pectuc enzyme from ad carlson co. dont know what to ask now. I wonder if he just forgot to use it???
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    This sounds bad

    Im actually expecting him to say he used certo brand pectic enzyme. I would never have dreamed such a thing but many folks expect others to do all the thinking and research on thier hobbys. BTW my last batch of jello is as thin as wine??????
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    This sounds bad

    Sorry for all the extra mess--??????
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    This sounds bad

    I tried a leading question to his last post. <TABLE style="TABLE-LAYOUT: fixed" =bordercolor border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=4 width="100%" align=center> <T> <TR> <TD =bg vAlign=top width=140 align=left> <DIV =small></TD> <TD =bg vAlign=top align=left> <DIV...
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    This sounds bad

    thats a winner---ill ask him