This sounds bad

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Jun 11, 2006
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A guy on the dejay smokin meat forum is hung up on gallon batches of wine. He just posted that the ((ORANGE))wine he made looks ok in the gallon but has a jelly like consistancy when poured into a glass--he even says it tastes good. Sounds like something bad to me but i dont have any ideas except lots of bacteria.

any help here ????

he used a concentrate--ill get the recipe link in a second brb

here is a link to the thread on that website.
I would guess he used the orange juice with pulp and he didn't wait for it to settle and clear before bottling or drinking and he is getting the pulp in there, but then I'm not Wade so I'm just guessing
Im wondering if he added pectin for making jelly instead of the enzyme to help break it up?
wade said:
Im wondering if he added pectin for making jelly instead of the enzyme to help break it up?

thats a winner---ill ask him
I tried a leading question to his last post.

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<DIV style="PADDING-BOTTOM: 4px; WIDTH: 99%; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 2px; : left; PADDING-TOP: 2px" =dividerbot> Re: Orange Wine
Reply #6 - Today at 8:01pm Alert Moderator Quote Modify
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<DIV style="WIDTH: 99%; : left; OVERFLOW: auto" =message>Quote from backroads on Today at 6:09pm:

<DIV style="WIDTH: 90%" =quote>It's like a jello texture but you can still pour it, another strange thing is that when you look at it while it's still in the bottle it's liquid, when you pour it out is when you see the texture it's really weird but tastes good.

What brand of pectic enzyme did you use????? </TD></TR></T></TABLE>
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<DIV style="PADDING-BOTTOM: 4px; WIDTH: 99%; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 2px; : left; PADDING-TOP: 2px" =dividerbot> Re: Orange Wine
Reply #6 - Today at 8:01pm Alert Moderator Quote Modify
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<DIV style="WIDTH: 99%; : left; OVERFLOW: auto" =message>Quote from backroads on Today at 6:09pm:

<DIV style="WIDTH: 90%" =quote>It's like a jello texture but you can still pour it, another strange thing is that when you look at it while it's still in the bottle it's liquid, when you pour it out is when you see the texture it's really weird but tastes good.

What brand of pectic enzyme did you use????? </TD></TR></T></TABLE>It's like a jello texture but you can still pour it, another strange thing is that when you look at it while it's still in the bottle it's liquid, when you pour it out is when you see the texture it's really weird but tastes good.

I asked

What brand of pectic enzyme did you use?????
wade said:
Maybe he was trying to make jello shots!

Im actually expecting him to say he used certo brand pectic enzyme.
I would never have dreamed such a thing but many folks expect others to do all the thinking and research on thier hobbys.

BTW my last batch of jello is as thin as wine??????
You could also ask if he used liquid or powdered - we have used both for jelly!

From what I have learned there are two types of people
1)These are innovators. They learn the process and use their head to think of ways to make it better- and sometimes they do.

2)These folks want a cookbook for everything spelled out from start to finish, no detail is to small. They follow the directions exactly without deviation. They can expect similar results every time.

Which one are you? (Anyone reading this). I bet you fall into one or the other category.

When I was training people in computer usage, etc, some people wanted the basics and picked things up quickly, then there was the other set that would say "Slow down please, what was that last thing you did, I think I missed it writing things down." They would have every single thing you did written down.
The guy said he used pectuc enzyme from ad carlson co. dont know what to ask now. I wonder if he just forgot to use it???
I dont think not using pectic enzyme would cause this, he might not have gotten good color or flavor extraction though. I cant really think of anything else that could form this consistency. Ive made some pretty think simple syrups but cant say ive hit that type of thickness.
wade said:
I dont think not using pectic enzyme would cause this, he might not have gotten good color or flavor extraction though. I cant really think of anything else that could form this consistency. Ive made some pretty think simple syrups but cant say ive hit that type of thickness.

Oh well he is going to try a diferent recipe. but i wish he would go for larger batches. Perhaps the yeast was fruitfull and multiplied.
Oranges are very high in pectin which is contained between the peel and the skin so maybe he used way too much of the whole orange instead of mostly just the fruit, this is where most all natural pectin is derived from, that and apples, these pectin levels decrease as the fruit becomes more mature so maybe it was a mixture of unripe oranges and too much of the peels with the pith.
Isn't orange one of the more difficult fruits to work with for wine?
Ive only used it once and dint know it was high in pectin till I looked it up earlier toady to try and figure this out. I dint have any problems with it but I knew not to use much pith knowing only of the bitterness it can leave.