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  1. LoneTreeFarms

    Skittle Wine

    just racked this stuff again. i think i pissed my teeth off sampling this. It's definitely going to be a desert wine. next batch i'll be adding less sugar than the original recipe. still has a great smell and taste. Keena what's the starburst recipe??
  2. LoneTreeFarms

    Skittle Wine

    mine stuck around 1040 as well but my initial was higher, i figure i'm around 10% alcohol. tasted it last night and mine is definitely sweet. the smell has changed on it, it smells really strong, but the taste is great with a smooth sweet finish.
  3. LoneTreeFarms

    What was the first wine you made?

    welches concord grape concentrate tasted like mogan david, or church wine, and has since became pastors punch
  4. LoneTreeFarms

    Additional wines I got bottled today

    i love the lambrusco label!!
  5. LoneTreeFarms

    Fun with Labels

    the art for the teacher, the dandelion and the choc peppermint came from the web, then layered and edited with gimp. thanks for the compliments!!
  6. LoneTreeFarms

    Fun with Labels

    that's what the label is for actually, julie gave me the recipe for her choclate candy cane recipe in jan. it's bottling time for that one soon, so i had to work up the label on that one.
  7. LoneTreeFarms

    Fun with Labels

    Here are a few of the label's i've created for wine i'm either about to bottle or have already bottled, feel free to borrow any that you like. or post criticism, likes, dislikes, your own labels, anything thanks, Ben
  8. LoneTreeFarms

    Easy Bottling Day

    was your orange chocolate port a kit or personal recipe?
  9. LoneTreeFarms

    WineXpert How much time do you spend making one kit wine?

    2 1/2 hrs covers my washing and removing labels off of old wine bottles.....maybe
  10. LoneTreeFarms

    questions about corking

    not positive on the reason your cork is flattened out. i have the same corker and what i've seen while bottling is that the ram that presses the cork down is smaller than the top of the cork itself. but like everyone said this is purely cosmetic and does nothing to hurt the wine.
  11. LoneTreeFarms

    Skittle Wine

    sounds like it's time to start another batch saramc. what did eeryone do for backsweetening? i was thinking about melting a big bag of skittles then freezing it to get the scummy wax layer off and adding it to the 5 gallon batch.
  12. LoneTreeFarms

    Adding Chocolate to finished wine

    i used two bags of ghiardelli? choc chips to a 5 gallon batch of peppermint wine. I'll look into adding more chocolate or extract. question much.. thanks
  13. LoneTreeFarms

    Adding Chocolate to finished wine

    bumping this one up. i made julie's candy cane wine in january and added chocolate in march. I just tried it last night and was alittle disappointed. the peppermint came out beautifully but i was hoping for alittle more chocolate taste to come through at the end. any recommendations for how to...
  14. LoneTreeFarms

    Skittle Wine

    just transferred mine to a carboy, mine was nowhere near as clear as the pic on the last page. it's more of a cloudy pink color, but the sample taken was delicious, definitely a dessert wine as my adding too much sugar at the start left residuals behind. what type of filtration unit have people...
  15. LoneTreeFarms

    What should I call it?

    since you used two cans, how about the fruit loops toucan for a logo with the diff colored beak?? i made the same type recipe w/o the orange juice, to me it tasted like church wine so i called mine pastors punch
  16. LoneTreeFarms

    Skittle Wine

    that is gorgeous! did you add food coloring to get that nice red color? was it sweet enough or did you back sweeten?? i'm thinking i need to wash some bottles this week to get ready, i think we started the batches about the same time.
  17. LoneTreeFarms

    Skittle Wine

    haven't had an update in a month, how's things going? i occasionally get a bubble out of the airlock, but not too often.
  18. LoneTreeFarms

    WineXpert Blueberry pinot noir SG to secondary?

    i'm making the same kit right now i'm in the final 14 days before bottle aging. could you tell me how this tasted? i don't figure i'll crack a bottle for a few months atleast to give it alittle more age but i'm still curious. thanks Ben
  19. LoneTreeFarms

    Skittle Wine

    bubbling away nicely, i cracked it open over the weekend and peeled all of the wax layer off with a slotted spoon. going good, we'll see how low she goes.