What should I call it?

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May 1, 2012
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I have started a batch of wine using these ingrediants:

2 cans welches white grape

64 ounces of apple cranberry juice

1 cup Orange Juice

1 cup chopped white raisins




Acid Blend

What type of wine will it be and what do you think I should name it on the label?
Since apple is the predominate ingredient, you could go with something along that line like "Apple Blend " for instance. Depending what picture you go with on your label you could name it something to go with that and then list (apple wine) in very small letters some where else on the label. After all "Skeeter Pee" is nothing like the name might imply.

Actually since it has two cans of welch's concentrate and the raisins it is more grape than apple. It is two gallons. It is a light red in color. Maybe name it some kind of a blush?
I see a plain white label with black letters: Wine

I like it Wade

Wade I like your idea, I think I'll go with that. Thank you Scott I will add the word wine to it.
Niagaple Cranorange Wine
Made with Real Niagaple Berries! (I know...kinda silly)
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I see a plain white label with black letters: Wine

That's funny...my first frozen concentrate wine I did almost exactly that! About 6 months it was not what I considered "wine", so I named it "Alcoholic Fruit Beverage" and made a purposefully generic B&W label (although made it a bit more attractive going with a "Lost" theme from the TV show my wife and I were enjoying at the time). After a year it really turned around though and became delicious and graduated to actual wine with a wine label.
since you used two cans, how about the fruit loops toucan for a logo with the diff colored beak?? i made the same type recipe w/o the orange juice, to me it tasted like church wine so i called mine pastors punch
Except for the o.j. all of your wine ingredients are harvested in the fall. Maybe something along that line. Like Autumn Blush? Or Octoberfest?