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  1. Stressbaby

    Adding fruit juice after finished fermentation

    Research this more to confirm, but generally it's bacteria, not yeast, which convert citric to acetic acid. Skeeter Pee and Dragon Blood are all lemon juice, and they don't wind up as vinegar. Keep the SO2 up and it's not a problem. While I was typing @Johnd cross-posted, good to see we are...
  2. Stressbaby

    clarifying excess lees

    The answer is, not really. You can put the entire thing in the fridge to chill it and shut down the yeast. It will stop the production of CO2, and therefore stop the churn of bubbles that can keep the lees fluffy. I've gotten a little more wine that way. I guess I'm wondering how you ended up...
  3. Stressbaby

    Our new home has grape vines.

    I'll take a shot... If no losses from birds, other critters, rot, insects, I'd plan for at least 10#/vine, on the order of 30 gal of wine. BUT any one of those could wipe you out if not careful. My two cents. Others with more years of experience might chime in.
  4. Stressbaby

    Our new home has grape vines.

    So what you need to do if you want to really do this is read up on managing the acid in hybrid grape wines. The issues they deal with in California vinifera don't apply at all...they're adding acid, we're trying to get the acid down. You might think seriously about making a rosé. That's what I...
  5. Stressbaby

    Snow is almost gone

    I started with 36 Vidal 2 years ago, and the first year, all were killed to the ground, and 16 killed outright. This year, 100% survival of the remaining 20. Go figure.
  6. Stressbaby

    Drawback of over processing fruit

    Breaking down seeds, for example by running them through a food processor, can introduce bitterness that is difficult to remedy.
  7. Stressbaby

    4 wines from one grape this season?

    There fixed it for you. :-)
  8. Stressbaby

    Strawberry and Steam Juicer

    I have a steam juicer and have used it a few times. My impression is that it adds water. I think that explains your volume differences.
  9. Stressbaby

    The Great Best Elderberry Recipe..,

    I recommend a version of this: The author jumps around a little bit in the article, but the basics are: 3-5 pounds/gallon. I like 5#/gal. Heat the berries. Most here will tell you not to simmer fruit for wine, but this is the exception. He...
  10. Stressbaby

    Wine versus Mead making protocols question

    At 3.3 I'd let 'er rock
  11. Stressbaby

    Bentonite question...

    Agree, the color will likely be the same once they are equally clear.
  12. Stressbaby

    help quick - 7.5 gallon primary Ferm. bucket problem

    Aromatic white wines (think Viognier, Gewurztraminer, Riesling, even Sauv Blanc) are said to benefit from cool, slow fermentation. It is widely felt that a fast, hot fermentation "blows off" the volatile compounds responsible for those aromas. The way I look at it, the slower the fermentation...
  13. Stressbaby

    Wine versus Mead making protocols question

    DAP is toxic to yeast? I've never heard that. On all my fruit wines I rehydrate with GoFerm, step feed with Fermaid K, and really only use Fermaid O if I need a nutrient addition after 50% sugar depletion. Aerating (stir twice a day, punch down) is conventional wisdom around here, though white...
  14. Stressbaby

    Kumquat plus tropical fruit

    I'd like to see a pH. You don't say how much fruit you used; while an individual kumquat is plenty acidic, it would take a LOT of kumquats juiced to equal the amount of lemon juice used in DB/SP. And before adding sugar I'd like to know what the starting gravity was and what it is now.
  15. Stressbaby

    Grapefruit wine/ citrus help.

    If you don't add sugar, the very highest ABV you'll get (depending on the fruit) is around 9.5%. Most will be in the 5-6% range, not high enough to protect your wine.
  16. Stressbaby


    Actually people have been sulfiting wines for perhaps a couple of millennia. The Romans sulfited their wines, not the way we do it, but by burning sulfur inside barrels. I've given it a second thought. I've followed this rule religiously, only to find some wines dangerously low on SO2. It may...
  17. Stressbaby

    Where to begin?

    There is a reason wine is traditionally made from grapes. You can fool around with all the different fruit/veg/flower wines if you want and you will learn a lot. You will also dump out a LOT of wine. I take different wines I make once a week to our Thursday night band practice. Last week I took...
  18. Stressbaby

    Pear wine - second batch from pulp

    I made 10 gallons of pear this past year, all straight juice from pressed pears - basically like a white wine - SO MANY PEARS last year! Interestingly, neither went dry, even with EC-1118. Yes, use bentonite now. It may require other methods. I've bottled some of mine already, and looking at...
  19. Stressbaby


    No health risks. The risk is MLF in the bottle. And taste. I've also read stuff online about wlp675 not finishing. I bought some for my first MLF a few years ago, chickened out and never used it; switched to VP41 which has worked great for me.
  20. Stressbaby

    Wasn't expecting this

    Speaking of sulfides, I agree, that could be the issue. The bench trial for mercaptans involves ascorbic acid followed by CuSO4. If it were me, I'd address this first, because a sulfite problem will improve with time but sulfide/H2S/mercaptan problem will worsen. I have used Reduless and it...