I joined this group back in October to learn how to make mead and someone suggested I check out Gotmead. I'm back now that I've "got mead" aging and want to make some wine with the blueberries stuffed in my freezer. The protocols seem different for the two, though. I don't see the emphasis on rehydrating the yeast with go-ferm, aerating twice a day for three days, or using staggard nutrient additions starting at 24 hours after pitch. From what I've read/watched so far, there is no aeration, only degassing, and the nutrients are added upfront when the yeast is pitched. My understanding is that the DAP in the nutrients is toxic to the yeast at the beginning stage (unless using Fermaid O, which has no DAP). Am I right about the two protocols, or am I missing something?
I have Fermaid 0, Fermaid K, and Fermax. If I'm to add a nutrient up front, I'm tempted to use Fermaid 0. Am I concerned over nothing?
Thanks to anyone who can clarify my understanding here.
I have Fermaid 0, Fermaid K, and Fermax. If I'm to add a nutrient up front, I'm tempted to use Fermaid 0. Am I concerned over nothing?
Thanks to anyone who can clarify my understanding here.