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  1. Wiz

    Looking to make some cheese

    I'm looking forward to the replies to your question. I am wondering if I can make cheese in tropical Costa Rica.
  2. Wiz

    Cabertnet too acidic

    I make approx. 30 gallon cab sauv each year from imported Italian bulk concentrate and have been doing so for about the past 5 years. I have found that this wine does not even approach drinkability until about 6 months and is all but ready after 9 months of aging. Really ready at 1 year.
  3. Wiz

    Used a blender... oh no!

    At this point I would say you are committed. Just go with what you have and see what you end up with. You have already made the investment in everything.
  4. Wiz

    All in One Wine Pump Giveaway!

    Add me, please.
  5. Wiz

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    Hope you all have had a very fine Happy Thanksgiving.
  6. Wiz

    MLF on grape concentrate

    I have always understood that you could not perform a MILF on wine made from a concentrate.
  7. Wiz

    K Meta additions for recipes less than 5 gal

    I make 6 gallon batches and use 1/4 tsp. for the 5 gallon carboy and 1 campden tablet for the 1 gallon.
  8. Wiz

    wine concentrate

    I don't know if this will contribute to this thread or not but I have been using a 68 brix imported Italian cab sauv concentrate for the past several years. I use 2 gallons concentrate to 5 gallons water to give a S.G. of 1.098.
  9. Wiz

    Hydrometers I have broken

    Living in Costa Rica and have all my winemaking supplies shipped in from the U.S., I keep 2 or 3 available as backup.
  10. Wiz

    Hydrometers I have broken

    Don't you know, we don't talk about such things on this forum.
  11. Wiz

    still haveing trouble with my pineapple

    Making wine from pineapple sounds so good. When finished, smells like pineapple and has a great pineapple after taste. However, pineapple is a very astringent wine and that is what you are picking up in the wine. As my most favorite fruit, I was really looking forward to the finished...
  12. Wiz


    You got it Retrah.
  13. Wiz

    Winemakers in Other Countries

    I haven't asked this for a couple of years but are there any winemakers from Costa Rica on the forum? Mike
  14. Wiz

    Bad cork job

    I use the same corker and going to #8 corks solved the problem. Right before corking I also put the corks into a pan of sanitizer. Sanitizes and the water acts as a lubricant.
  15. Wiz

    Ugh..broken hydrometers

    I always have kept an extra one as I usually broke one a year. Now I keep two extras and have not broken one in 4 years.
  16. Wiz

    Kits and Other

    I see discussions that are not under the correct headings. Specifically, comments about kits are not under "kits." if a question is under "General" shouldn't they be under general winemaking rather than specifically about kits?
  17. Wiz

    Degased and bentonite together

    I must ask the question, if they did this several years ago and then stopped, the question is why. I completely degass and then add bentonite and have been doing so for several years.
  18. Wiz

    when to add yeast nutrient

    I agree with you DYMonk. Gosh guys, go to your old recipes. Why try to reinvent the wheel when all this has been already been done for you. Add everything in the beginning with yeast following 24 (12) hours later.
  19. Wiz

    Label Critique Please

    How can anyone criticize anyone's labor of love? If it looks good to you that is all that counts.
  20. Wiz

    Glass or Plastic ?

    I use exclusively plastic as been reported over previous years. Here in Costa Rica I can not buy glass and extreme cost would prohibit shipping them here from the U.S. I have been using them for the past 6 years. Since I buy bottled water I am able to rotate the ones I have used to one that...