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  1. H

    Mosti Mondiale Bulk Aging

    After bottling, what is a good storage temp.?
  2. H

    Mosti Mondiale Bulk Aging

    Maybe six weeks...The cab. tastes really good already, regards,
  3. H

    Mosti Mondiale Wine Coditioner

    Thanks for taking the time to answer. The issue was there was nothing in the instructions for when to use. Now I can start this. Liebraumilch is a great summer wine and needs little aging. Regards,
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    Mosti Mondiale Wine Coditioner

    I got a Vinifera kit to make Liebraumilch. It contains a small bottle that is labeled "Wine conditioner -Concentrated Grape Juice". It also says "See Insrtuctions". The instructions don't say anything about when to add this. Question: When should this "conditioner" be added? I don't...
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    Mosti Mondiale Bulk Aging

    Thanks. The instructions say to keep at a temp. of 59 - 65 during clarifying. Can I move to a cooler area 50 - 60 for aging?
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    Mosti Mondiale Bulk Aging

    I making a Vinifera noble kit and have added the clarifying agents siligel/liquigel. The instructions say to add these only 8-10 days before bottling. After reading the great info on this forum, I have decided to do some bulk ageing of that wine. My question: Is it ok to bulk age after adding...