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  1. S

    Ever use a steam juicer outside?

    I keep my jars in a 250 degree oven prior to use. Each is removed when I am ready to fill it. I fill it from the steamer reservoir and affix a lid that was boiled a couple of minutes. I immediately add the ring and hand tighten. The filled jar is placed on a folded towel and allowed to cool at...
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    Strawberry Wine

    I suspect that most, if not all, of us who having been making wine for some time have had foam overs. That is why I now use a very large primary and place it in a location where a foam over would do little damage. Have fun! Do this long enough nd you will make lots of mistakes!
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    Strawberry Wine

    Squeezing the bag will result in a very large amount of lees and consequent wine loss at racking. As recommended above, punching down the bag is all that is necessary. For what it may be worth, I have had excellent success steam-juicing strawberries.
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    Strawberry Wine

    That is a fantastic buy on the strawberries.
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    Blackberry wine

    I pay little attention to the SG when racking from primary. I focus more on how vigorous fermentation is. When it has slowed considerably I rack it to a carboy and place it under airlock. Some wines ferment very slowly and can be placed under airlock with a higher SG. Others ferment very rapidly...
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    Scotty, I am also confused. Are you trying to adjust the pH of wine? If so, buffers are essentially useless for that purpose. Their use is to calibrate a pH meter. Other chemicals may be used to adjust the ph of a must.
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    My First Wine

    We still enjoy our Welch's wine. Yes, aging will make a difference and especially with Concord.
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    Blackberry 2010

    I have done an all juice but it has not yet a year old. We don't care too much for it at this stage but time will tell.
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    Plum wine question

    Wade, you are absolutely correct. Plum pits contain cyanogenic glycoside. So do apples, cherries and peaches. I think you will find that it is the kernel inside the pit that contains this substance. I would not crush the pits of these fruit. I used to freeze them and mash the thawed fruit with...
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    Plum wine question

    Fivebk: I am curious, why do you pit plums? I have never pitted them and have had no problems.
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    Eaiser Sparkling Wine Idea

    There is no reasonable way to calculate how much dry ice to add. Get ready for the sound effects! : )
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    Made some hard lemonade

    My wife and I are waiting in the mountains of Virginia!
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    Strawberry Wine Punch

    We did this without the fresh berries, and it made a wonderfully refreshing drink on a hot summer day. Thanks, Tepe.
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    Flooded Wine Safe?

    Some of the corks were high quality natural others were synthetic.
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    Flooded Wine Safe?

    Already dunked them in clorox before I read the most recent posts. Since they were only dipped and only the tip end of the cork was exposed I have little concern with taint from the clorox. It will evaporate in a very short time but it will sterilize the ends of the corks and keep any funk from...
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    Flooded Wine Safe?

    I don't have my corker. corks or kmeta at this location so I will dip the bottles in clorox and inspect before we leave. If anything appears questionable I will bring the corker here in a month and recork. Thanks for the feedback.
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    Flooded Wine Safe?

    We had a serious flood in the area where my old family home and our wine cellar are located. The result, about 10-inches of water flooded the cellar for a couple of days and the wines located on the lowest shelf were submerged. They were well-corked and, in my opinion, ought to be fine, but I...
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    Strawberry Wine Punch

    Looks good. I will try this as soon as we get to the mountains.
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    Happy Birthday Smokegrub

    Thanks, everyone. I had a great time with family.