Blackberry 2010

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Senior Member
Jun 21, 2008
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Started the must on this years first batch.

2.5 gallons of juice (steamed)
8#'s sugar dissolved
water to 6 gallons
pectic enzyme
yeast nutrient
yeast energizer
powder tannin
1/4 tsp k-meta

Boiled the starter and dissolved 2 tbs table sugar and will pitch Cotes De Blanc later this evening. Will pitch the starter tomorrow afternoon. Hard to believe that this is only my second batch of wine this year. Will rack it to glass in 5-7 days and degas. Then I can start the second batch.
Did you save any steamed Blackberry for f-pac?
Good luck.
2nd batch this year.. yea right...
MMMMMMMMMMMM gonna be a good one. What was your beginning SG
What does 2.5 gallons of juice approx. = in lbs, I know its a decent amount!

sg was 1.081 by refractometer conversion and hydrometer.


I'll have to do the calculations on the juicing I did earlier to give you an approximate answer of pounds of fruit. I'll get back to you on this I promise.


I still have another 2.5 gallons of juice in addition to the remaining frozen fruit I have yet to steam. ( I think its another 50-60#'s)
If I had that much Id do an All-Juice batch!Im hoping Ill get enough elders this year to do so.
Looking back at my juice log, I juiced about 36.5#'s blackberries, and I ended up with 17 quarts. So if you convert 17 quarts to 4.25 gallons and then divide it into 36.5#, I get 8.58# of fruit to get 1 gallon of juice. so about 21.5#pounds of fruit to get my juice. I do plan to use another 1-2 quarts to top off , or f-pac.
Racking it to a 6.5 gallon carboy to finish out. Its sg was 1.016 today.
I'd like to have enough to give it a try ..them damn cobblers keep getting in the way though
I have done an all juice but it has not yet a year old. We don't care too much for it at this stage but time will tell.