My First Wine

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user 23357

Jun 1, 2010
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So for my first foray into winemaking I made it a father / daughter thing to do together. My daughter is 22 by the way. Anyway we did the Welch's thing, she did a white with bottled juice and I did a red with concentrate.

I learned from this fine forum, that I probably had a little weak wine because my recipe only had 2 concentrates in it. Oh well live and learn.

But since I back sweetened to mellow it a little and bring it down from 16.5% ABV to a respectable 13% that helped with the body. My daughter didn't have this issue as she didn't use concentrate.

Anyway I think for my first go around it worked out pretty good, tasted pretty good and I hope will get better with a little age.

If you would like to see our wines they are on my blog at Tumblr

Oh and we didn't have a filter, but degassing, racking, and being patient works pretty good for getting it to clear, after the fining agents.
Good to hear your first foray into winemaking was successful. Don't worry, you'll catch the winemaking bug soon enough and find yourself hooked with this hobby.

We still enjoy our Welch's wine. Yes, aging will make a difference and especially with Concord.