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  1. AlFulchino

    Superyeast x-press - Can it really ferment 20% ABV?

    i have an observation and question...while the answers provided are sound they didnot really address the initial question about this yeast....has anyone used it...if it is touted as a super yeast then i am assuming that it *will* start in an high sugar environment ***or*** it is a yeast that...
  2. AlFulchino

    Slow Ferment

    was it on the floor? if so then it might be the floor temp wicking upward and making for a cooler temp than you thought if it was a true liquid temp as you say then yes it was a bit slow, but go by the trend and the numbers....and you are doing fine, you could rack now but if it were me and...
  3. AlFulchino

    Just joined the sucked my bung into carboy club

    question...where does one purchase smelly bungs ? :) just so i know not to purchase from the source :) never have come across one thankfully!
  4. AlFulchino

    Just joined the sucked my bung into carboy club

    first of all...welcome to the bung stuck in the carboy club second, dont worry about leaving the bung in..afterall remember your bung is essentially in w the wine during the life of the aging time anyways...there is NO issue third...if you need to get it out now or down the line the...
  5. AlFulchino

    Grape Trimming

    i usually wait for a full pruning when late winter / early spring comes...lots of places w milder climates or more gentle winters will do a pre-prune now and final touch in spring to save time and more evenly distribute the workload
  6. AlFulchino

    Vine Side Netting

    Come e' sta Angelina.....or is it lil'angel in meaning? any event, yes i do have them, this is the only place thus far that i offered place will be wine business classifieds:) let me know what info you need and i can take a picture of them if you or anyone would like me to!
  7. AlFulchino

    My Photo in Winemaker Magazine!!!

    pretty neat!!!!!!!!
  8. AlFulchino

    Show Us Your Pets

    plenty of room for a yr anyway...early on he is just too young to let roam, we have coyotes around and so he has to have some protection
  9. AlFulchino

    Gravity before yeast

    yes, because it will produce a wine w very very low alcohol...double check your readings...i would find your reading highly unusual from a kit manufacturer
  10. AlFulchino

    Adding Body

    by *thin* i am assuming you mean too much water or you did not have enough body from skin time etc...there is no analogy to "sparge with nitrogen to drive off some of the solvents." solvents actively *thin* driving them off before they do a job is one thing.....if you had too much h20...
  11. AlFulchino

    Vine Side Netting

    very nice...nets do great jobs...i just have not found the need to outweigh the labor...harvest is terrific and birds have not yet been an issue... bees are the real issue
  12. AlFulchino

    Show Us Your Pets

    33 days old...our newest little bull, Tiberius....cute as cute can be
  13. AlFulchino

    Vine Side Netting

    vineside netting
  14. AlFulchino

    2011 Fresh Grapes From California via FVW's

    Mike, thanks showing me why i never watched ally mcbeal beyond about 1.5 second!:gb
  15. AlFulchino

    2011 Fresh Grapes From California via FVW's

    ps...barry white is not on my ipod :)
  16. AlFulchino

    2011 Fresh Grapes From California via FVW's

    i employ simple tried and true practices Mike i go slow, steady and in and day out things have a way of getting done...and along the way....i drink wine....when the days add up and time passes, somehow, someway, it all turns into wonderful wine big equipment...little...
  17. AlFulchino

    Vine Side Netting

    yep they work well...the balance is to determine potential loss/actual loss scenarios and the amount of labor involved in install and take down...for me, after five years its not a bird someone else can save some money and protect their vines atthe same time
  18. AlFulchino

    Adding Body

    Santo it will not go bad that fast..before pressing your wine is loaded w you have to look at the overall picture i often see fear in wine makers that things will go bad if..and its a big if...if we just don't do something !!!! we worry and try to control things and i call it...
  19. AlFulchino

    Vine Side Netting

    hehehhe...saw a reply and thought i had a buyer :) i bought it before teh first harvest....what i have found is that i dont have a serious bird issue..i have a bee issue :) you a buyer? :)