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  1. homer

    Malo questions

    My new batch of Red wine from Carignane grapes is at the crossroads, it's a little weak on the flavor side, more like a Rose'. Should I start a MLF? Are there any rules of thumb regarding to Malo or not? Can (should) I start MLF and throw in some Oak at the same time? How do you know how much...
  2. homer


    I know your going to find this hard to believe but picked up the grapes in Pittsburgh KS, they bring in an 18 wheeler from California. Usually they get Zinfandel and Alicante but this year no Zin. Looks like it going to be 20 gallons.
  3. homer


    The crusher came with the press and I borrowed the whole enchilada a couple of years ago from a buddy who was going to make apple juice but after doing it once he decided it was a lot easier to buy juice. I took off 6 gallons of Rose' so that kind of goofs up the numbers but I should end up...
  4. homer


    This years grapes.
  5. homer

    Brix dropping like a rock

    Started with 5 crates of Carignane grapes, brix was a little low around 18, thought about it and added water and 2 cups sugar next day to about 4 gal of must, I know you're not going to believe this but the brix dropped 10 points in 48 hours. That's the problem with taking all these...
  6. homer

    Campden and Color

    A couple of questions: What was the PH? How much Kmeta did you add? bk
  7. homer

    Cheap Wine, Really?

    Nobody on here said it was cheap... bk
  8. homer

    Crush time...

    I apologise I did not mean to hijack this thread buuuuut, after adding Kmeta to the must do you wait a while before pitching the yeast? bk
  9. homer

    Crush time...

    What is considered a good SO2 mix for washing grapes before crushing? bk
  10. homer

    Brick house

    When testing new juice from fresh grapes how do you determine what the ideal Brix's should be? Is a Refractor any better than a Hydrometer?
  11. homer

    Free SO2

    Seth at Midwest tells me they will have a new So2 tester out end of this month for about a C note and very accurate. bk
  12. homer

    Free SO2

    The Accuvin ain't cheap at 36 bucks, doesn't take to many to pay for a real tester. bk
  13. homer

    Free SO2

    Accuvin is what I've been using but I wonder about its, or should say my accuracy in reading the colors. bk
  14. homer

    Free SO2

    What is the best (read economical) way to test for free SO2? bk
  15. homer

    need pH meter

    I bought an inexpensive one, mistake, so much is riding on your PH readings, my next one will be a good one. bk
  16. homer

    Time in a Bottle

    Will time in a carboy plus filtering clear wine as good as clearing goo and filtering? I know goo is faster but if time is not an issue, will time clear as good? Do big Vineyards use goo? bk
  17. homer

    Tartrate Crystals

    After cold stabilization, if wine is left to warm up for 1 day, 2 days, 1 week, would the crystals or some of the acid be absorbed back into the wine? Is better to rack when cold? bk
  18. homer

    Wood I, wood eye

    Is there some rule of thumb for, time , amount, etc for adding Oak? bk
  19. homer

    Cold Stabilizing

    Do you cold stabilize all wine? bk
  20. homer

    Screw top

    I know corks are the de riguer but I would like to use some screw top bottles, are all caps the same size? Does anyone use screw caps? Where do you buy them? Bk