Free SO2

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Senior Member
Jun 20, 2010
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What is the best (read economical) way to test for free SO2? bk
Accuvin is what I've been using but I wonder about its, or should say my accuracy in reading the colors. bk
Accuvin is the most economical test. Not the most accurate.

The most accurate/economical test would be either the Vinmetrica SO2 analyzer for $245 or the $99 A/O rig sold at More Wine.
The Accuvin ain't cheap at 36 bucks, doesn't take to many to pay for a real tester. bk
It only took me two times with the Accuvin to convince me to go "all in" with the Vinmetrica. Like Mike says, "it's (accuvin) like throwing darts".
Seth at Midwest tells me they will have a new So2 tester out end of this month for about a C note and very accurate. bk

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