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  1. homer

    SG in general

    Sorry about that, started 1/3/11 not 1/13/11 and yes nutrient came with the kit and I added it in the beginning as per instructions then added a dab more on 1//7/11 but should I have settled for 1.000 or tried to squeeze out some more alcohol. bk
  2. homer

    SG in general

    The kit I'm referring to is Mosti Mondiale, Malbec but this could be any kit. Started 1/13/11. Transferred to the secondary 1/7 SG 1.048. 1/15 SG 1.009, 1/21 sg 1.000. 1,30 added 2 teaspoon yeast nutrient and stirred. 2/7 SG 1.000, gave up racked and sulfated. My question is, should...
  3. homer

    Checker PH tester

    After reading the instructions again (and again)turns out they have a storage solution for just $12.95 a bottle, I wish he would have suggested it, or is 4.01 the same stuff? On another note, Midwest has some fancy Hydrometers for sale, are all Hydrometers the same? bk
  4. homer

    Checker PH tester

    The tester instructions for calibration require soaking the electrode in the two calibrating solutions and adjusting the two screws, OK I can do that. Instructions also say to re-calibrate every so often? How often? Can I keep the two solutions in a small air tight container for future...
  5. homer

    RJ Spagnols 911, I think?

    I never use the M word in polite company. bk
  6. homer

    Group carboy purchase

    29 bucks, making a stop there is almost worthwhile. The sad part is I can get 5 gal ones here for $15 but the world of wine making is based on 6's. What's the name of the store that has them for 29, thanks. bk
  7. homer

    Making Red Wine Vinegar

    Thanks, a great article, now I'm off to find Mother. bk
  8. homer

    Group carboy purchase

    My local 6 gallon Carboys are are just south of 60 bucks, Al says he can procure 48 at 5 bucks each plus shipping, Al, who do I call? I'm taking this wine making to a new level. PS: Anybody want to buy some 6 gallon Carboys for 20 bucks each plus shipping? bk
  9. homer

    Group carboy purchase

    This little hobby is about ready to break me. I need two (more) 6 gallon carboys. I was thinking if we got a sizable order together maybe we could strike up a good deal with a Vendor. Each person would have to take care of their purchase under a "special price agreement", what do you think? bk
  10. homer

    Another Bisulfite question

    What is the common practice with carboys? Leave the sulfate to drip out or rinse with tap water? bk
  11. homer

    Making Red Wine Vinegar

    Clever, very clever... I'll check out Google, just thought might be able to get it from the horses mouth from someone who's done it here. bk
  12. homer

    Making Red Wine Vinegar

    Is there a proper way to make vinegar out of some swill I have? bk
  13. homer

    Wine Makers Conference

    Has anyone on the forum gone to this? Is it worth the money and time? Is anyone going this year? bk
  14. homer

    primary fermentation 7 days and at 1.000

    I gotta wipe the chicken **** off the clock to tell what tiime it is and you expect me to know what yeast I used... The stuff that said yeast and came in the kit. bk
  15. homer

    primary fermentation 7 days and at 1.000

    I can warm it up in my new Trunkcubator but I thought whites should be fermented cold or at least colder? bk
  16. homer

    primary fermentation 7 days and at 1.000

    I was wondering about this very thing this morning when I checked my RJS Choc Port, SG should be about .996 according to the instructions but is still 1.010, it is a little cold down in the basement or maybe the yeast didn't read the instructions. Not being able to leave things alone I added 2...
  17. homer

    Cold Stablization

    Crystals in my Mars Grape Wine after 4 weeks. bk
  18. homer


    Does it hurt to de-gas more than once? Should you de-gas before you bottle? If the wine had excess gas would it dissipate in time after bottling? bk
  19. homer


    I'm in the middle of making a two story "trunkcubator" and wondering where you got the 150 watt strip with a thermostat, thanks. bk