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  1. PeterZ

    Heat Gun and Shrink Caps

    Steam will work fine, but you still need to be near sea level or the steam will not be hot enough. I use the boiling water because I can shrink a cap in about two seconds. Any condensation on the bottle helps when I wipe it down with a paper towel.
  2. PeterZ

    Plastic vs. Glass...

    I haven't used that brand, buy it pretty much fits the same specs as what most of us have, the Schuco 130. It will pull up to 21" of vacuum, which is as high as needed unless you plan to vacuum rack up a flight of stairs. Where in Maine? My sister lives in Portland.
  3. PeterZ

    Heat Gun and Shrink Caps

    I think you've got it, Mike. The first time I used boiling water it was really at a high simmer and I got the same results - wrinkles. A full rolling boil is needed, and I'm near sea level. At 7000 feet a rolling boil is not going to be hot enough unless you can pressurize your house.
  4. PeterZ

    Added Clarifiers Prior to Bulk Aging

    The purpose of fining agents is to cause the particulates to bind together, forming larger "flocs." Larger particles settle faster than smaller particles. If you bulk age and your wine is clear there is no need to add the fining agent, especially if you plan to filter. OTOH, if you want to clear...
  5. PeterZ

    WineXpert Cloudy wine

    Warmer wine will clear faster than colder wine. There is a very complex equation that describes the rate of sedimentation. One of the factors is the difference in density between the liquid and the particulate. Warmer wine is less dense, so the difference between the density of the wine and the...
  6. PeterZ

    The Billionaire's Vinegar

    I was given that book for Christmas before last, and still haven't read it. Guess I should start it.
  7. PeterZ

    Nice Score On Wine Bottles

    Waldo, Where is he and does he have any more? Might be worth driving over this weekend.
  8. PeterZ

    Cork question

    The soaking is actually making the corks harder to remove, because you are soaking the coating off. What kind of corker are you using? With a floor corker there is no need to soak the corks - they can be inserted perfectly dry.
  9. PeterZ

    Yeast under microscope

    Scotty, I used to work for a company that specialized in microbiological control in industry, and knew all of the stains and what worked best with what, but that was 10 years ago and I just don't remember. I think the blue stain mentioned above is methylene blue. The company I worked for...
  10. PeterZ

    Yeast under microscope

    Scotty, 100x is plenty for protozoans. You can actually watch them swim around and eat at this level.
  11. PeterZ

    RJ Spagnols Grand Cru International???

    George knows that my wife is my wife so when she orders something for me she does so by phone and George applies my Grower's Club discount to her order.
  12. PeterZ

    Yeast under microscope

    Scotty, 100x will let you see the cells quite well. At 400x, with proper staining you will be able to see the interior structures of the cells.
  13. PeterZ

    RJ Spagnols Grand Cru International???

    JohnnyK, I have never had a Primitivo, but if I like this kit I will buy another and make it for myself.
  14. PeterZ

    RJ Spagnols Citrus Ice Sauvignon Blanc

    You could rack today or wait until Sunday. The wine will come out the same either way. Itis currently supersaturated with CO2 so it is protected from oxidation.
  15. PeterZ

    RJ Spagnols Grand Cru International???

    The grape skins under the juice bag explains it. I have been waiting to start this kit, which is actually for a friend, because my wine making room is about 68F - too cold for fermentation. I got a brew belt from George, but now I might be going out of town on short notice for an extended period...
  16. PeterZ

    RJ Spagnols Grand Cru International???

    I have the Primitivo as my next kit, buyt I don't recall any grape skins in the box.
  17. PeterZ

    RJ Spagnols rj spagnols

    I find that the crystals tend to stick to the bottle, and are not a problem in the wine. They rinse out easily with hot water.
  18. PeterZ

    Rookie question...aging?

    I have not tried the Through the Grapevine line, but all of the Mosti kits I have done benefit with age. Wait at least one month after bottling to allow the bottle shock to wear off. I would say try the first one attwo months and then one a month until you feel the taste has developed to your...
  19. PeterZ

    wine bottle display

    So don't remove the labels. Just rinse out the bottles when empty, sanitize and refill with wine. A year later she can open them, drink the wine, and repeat.
  20. PeterZ

