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  1. wvbrewer

    can someone please tell me what's in the bottom of my carboy? just adding f-pack...

    That looks normal. Its all the fine sediment falling out. Follow your directions and rack, filter, and bottle in 2 to 3 weeks.
  2. wvbrewer

    Winery Laws

    I would guess that is a law they passed to help support the local economy. Which is not really too bad a thing.
  3. wvbrewer

    Pectic Enzyme after you've stabilized?

    I used Sparkleoid with success after stabilzing and degassing..
  4. wvbrewer

    Back Sweeten with apple juice

    Yes you can, Just degass and stablize first before adding the juice. Then I would let it sit a couple of weeks to a month before bottling to insure fermentation does not retart.
  5. wvbrewer

    Blackberry Wine finally bottled

    Good looking bottles..
  6. wvbrewer

    RJ Spagnols My first kit is just 12 hours in...

    Yes, it begins enjoy the addiction.
  7. wvbrewer

    just out of curiosity

    I have always heard table sugar for wine and corn sugar for beer, although I used table sugar for my last batch of beer with no problems.
  8. wvbrewer

    What R you doing today?

    Just bottled 6 gallons of Chiantai, and have 3 gallons of Apple waiting to be bottled.
  9. wvbrewer

    Pomegranate ph 2.9

    I have not really fooled around with fresh pomegranate, but it seems that it would be easier to use the juice. I don't what kind of pulp would be involved. As far as taste I would think juice would have a more concentrated flavor. I am sure someone can clarify for us.
  10. wvbrewer

    Wine making dictionary

    Spam wine? I wonder how that would be. I keep alot of it on hand in our emergency supplies. When food runs low that Spam will be a welcolme treat..
  11. wvbrewer

    Hi everyone!

    Welcome to the forum! There are a lot of folks with great information to help you out. I am sure you will enjoy the group.. Wvbrewer
  12. wvbrewer

    The Value of Drinking

    Right on. Especially home brew....
  13. wvbrewer

    Raspberies Frozen and Rasp/ Grape concentrate

    Sounds like fun.. I am waiting to put my Chianti into the secondary. I got to count my bottles to. I am going to need 30 of them.
  14. wvbrewer

    Raspberies Frozen and Rasp/ Grape concentrate

    That would be good for a three gallon batch, but I would double that for six gallons.
  15. wvbrewer

    I've Never Seen This Happen

    Natural fermentation, I have had this happen to Apple Cider in the fridge too. It is why we treat things with K meta prior to pitch our strain of yeast to kill those natural beasties..
  16. wvbrewer


    Cold stabilize and rerack after the crystals have settled out. If that does not work then try and find a wine filter you like. I have not used the Vinbrite model my self, so do not know the ins and outs of them.
  17. wvbrewer

    Bottling First Moscato

    I would rerack too, and wait a couple of days to see if it throws more sediment before bottling. I usually do the final rack and then filter with a minijet and have not had any sediment.
  18. wvbrewer

    Filter Problems

    What is the most popular fruit wine over there, and how big is home wine making as a hobby? I was just wondering. Dave
  19. wvbrewer

    Wonder Wine!!??????

    Give it a try. You can only be out of a little water...Its up to you, you van always throw it out.
  20. wvbrewer

    can / should I stir in my yeast?

    I would give a day or two more to see if you get any activity. There is a lag time between pitching the yeast and active fermentation. This is all depending on several things. First is did you pitched the yeast in at the right temp? and second the room your are fermenting in with in the temp...