just out of curiosity

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Mad Scientist
Feb 11, 2012
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just curious...has anyone ever noticed a difference in their wine making between using regular granulated and pure granulated cane sugar???...
I never noticed that there was a difference in sugars! I thought words like "pure" were just marketing speak.
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lol....ok....that's pretty much what i always thought as well, but when i was with the brew club i used to belong to, the previous vintner used to say we should use "cane" as opposed to just "granulated", and i am not just talking about for back sweetening, but also for mixing your must when making either a fruit wine from fresh fruit, or juices, in order to bring up the amount of fermentable sugar/potential alcohol...like i said, i was just curious...i mean, there is a difference because some "table" sugar is made from sugar beets....just wasn't sure if anyone noticed a difference when it came to fermentability.....
The only thing I've noticed is that clumpiness is inversely proportional to price
Ken the only differences I've seen discussed is between corn and cane sugar. I thought brewers prefered corn sugar but I don't know that for sure. Maybe when Wade gets off hte water he'll elaborate.
Oh, Dan I believe you are right and you know how I hate it when you are right,:slp Mike uses corn sugar for his beer
Not to bore you guys but here in Costa Rica cane sugar is not as refined as it is back in the U.S. With my fruit wines I need to only take it to 1.075 for an ABV of 11%. Sugar is not sugar.
When I backsweetened the last batch I just made I thought I tasted a sort of table sugar essence to it. I was thinking about this just today, funny I should stumble on this thread.
I'm still in the buy a bag at the store crowd, but wondered about turbinado sugar. Anybody used it?
I have always heard table sugar for wine and corn sugar for beer, although I used table sugar for my last batch of beer with no problems.

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