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  1. wvbrewer

    Begginer at wine making...

    Welcome to the group... Yes if you want a quick drinking kit a Orchard Breezin or other Mist type kit would be a good place to start. I have made a few with no problems, and they tast pretty good. Dave
  2. wvbrewer

    First one in the bottle

    Wow, They look good, and really grab you attention.
  3. wvbrewer

    Home made aftertaste , ugh !!

    I agree with Wade it probably had a very ABV in it. In most cases this will mellow out over time.
  4. wvbrewer

    Forgotton Vineyard Revival?

    Wow, That sounds like a adventure. You know a lot of us will be jeallous, but post some pics so we can see you progress. Dave
  5. wvbrewer

    Spring has finally come for a few days

    Very nice. It looks great. Dave
  6. wvbrewer

    I'm All In!

    Welcome to the group. Becareful though it is highly addictive. Dave
  7. wvbrewer

    RJ Spagnols Shlef life of Breezen' kits

    Thanks Everyone, I think I will bump up the alcohol a little on my next one just a little and see how it does. You guys are right though they do not stick around that long. My first kit is almost gone and we are already getting down into the second one. I too have a lot of thirsty friends...
  8. wvbrewer

    RJ Spagnols Shlef life of Breezen' kits

    Oh, Okay I read about that before. I did not do that with any of mine, but I may in future if it helps them to keep longer. I better start that VH peach though before I get any other kit. Thanks Dave
  9. wvbrewer

    RJ Spagnols Shlef life of Breezen' kits

    Cool, That is good to know. I know these are not high end kits, but they still are a lot of work. I am thinking of trying some new varities so I won't worry so much if my supply backs up some. Thanks Dave
  10. wvbrewer

    RJ Spagnols Sparkling Orchard Breezen

    Sorry it took so long to get back with you, but the Cherry Pinot turned out very well. It is not as sweet as I thought it would be. It taste very good and is a hit with all my family and friends. I would give it a try at least once and see what you think your self. Dave
  11. wvbrewer

    RJ Spagnols Shlef life of Breezen' kits

    I was wondering what is the expected or average shelf life of these kits? I mean the wine is going fast, but we put a few bottles back for later to see if they change. I know they won't change much I don't think. We were just wondering about it. Thanks All, Dave
  12. wvbrewer

    RJ Spagnols Does water matter

    I have always used store bought spring water for our kits. I feel if you put the money out for a kit you might as well buy some good water to use in it. If you go to Sam' Club you can get a case of 6 cheaper than buying them seperately in the store.
  13. wvbrewer

    Stiring during fermentation

    Your wine will be fine as long as you keep it a t good temp. It may even be at the gravity reading you are looking for when you return.
  14. wvbrewer

    overly sweet damson wine

    Like Dan asked, If you have not stablized it yet you can try pitching some EC-1118 yeast in. It is very agressive and should clean of the rest of you sugar content, and it has a high alcohol tolerance. Take a new SG rading and montior the new fermentation till you get the FG reading you are...
  15. wvbrewer

    rodo's labels

    Very good, The Two Cardinals winery is a good name. Nice labels I need to get the wife to make some for ours. Dave
  16. wvbrewer

    What else do I need.

    Sounds like you are getting it together and will be making some good wine soon. Have fun with it, and welcome to the group.
  17. wvbrewer


    I clean everything with 1-step and then sanitize with starsan. I also sanitize my work area as well incase I don't pay attention and set something down on the counter. You can get starsan online or at your LHBS.
  18. wvbrewer

    Bottleing Blackberry merlot

    I agree also, use whatever you would like. I you are using a clear or frosted bottle I would keep out of direct sunlight till it is consumed. I always thought that reads should go into green bottles and whites in clear to show of their clarity. I does not matter as long as you like it. Dave
  19. wvbrewer

    Our wine press....EXCITED!!!!

    They look cool I bet it will work great.
  20. wvbrewer

    My LHBS

    That is awsome. I wish my store was like that, but hey have been nice.