Stiring during fermentation

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May 9, 2011
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I am very new to making wine. I have made a lot of beer and Mead. I just made my first wine kit. The kit is Vintners Reserve Chardonnay from NB. I would like to know if I should Stirring the wine during fermentation like you do with making Mead?

Thanks Roger
Welcome to the forums! It doesn't hurt at all to stir each day during primary fermentation. If you have a high end kit with a grape pack you need to stir even more with a punch down 2-3X a day that first week.
Welcome to the forums! It doesn't hurt at all to stir each day during primary fermentation. If you have a high end kit with a grape pack you need to stir even more with a punch down 2-3X a day that first week.

Thanks so much for the info. What do you meen by punch down?

Thanks so much for the info. What do you meen by punch down?


If your fermentation includes grape solids, the CO2 generated by the fermentation will cause them to rise to the surface. For red wines from grapes, you normally punch down 2-3 times daily.
I agree with above... Punching down means you knock those solids back down into the liquids, otherwise they might start to rot/spoil.
Sorry I have one more question on this kit. The kit states in the instructions that you need to rack the wine to secondary in 5 to 7 days when the wine gets to 1.010. Well my question is can I wait a little longer before I rack because I will be going out of town on on Sunday and wont be back to the 8 or 9 day. How important is it to be racked right at 1.010.

It all depends on how far along the fermentation is. You really should get it transferred (racked) over to glass around 1.000. I would check it just before you leave and rack it a little early if its close to 1.000. Some kits advise racking at 1.03. The main thing to do if you leave it in primary is to snap the lid and add the airlock. There is plenty of CO2 in the wine to protect it but you don't want to allow too much O2 in through the top once things slow way down. Lots of this depends on the room temp your fermenting the must in. Since your in TX I am guessing it will be pretty warm so things may progress fairly quickly.
I agree - check the SG before you leave. If it is close to 1.010 - I would rack it over to the secondary, put an airlock on it, and then take off.

Give it a good stir before racking - that way you can rack over some of the yeasts to help finish the fermentation.

Also - since you would be gone - leave some head room in the carboy - that way it doesn't bubble up into the airlock.
If it is 1.020 or lower should I rack. Would it hurt to rack to soon.

Thanks so much

It should be okay to rack at 1.020 or lower. Like Jon said above, if you're at 1.020, leave a little headspace in the carboy. Just put the excess (if there is any) into a smaller bottle and airlock it. You can use it later to top off with.
I don't see any problem with that. The main thing is to keep it warm so it will finish out. If you lived in cold country and let the temps drop you would have a potential risk of a stuck fermentation. Rack it (and this should be a quick and dirty rack) pour it all over including the lees so you have lots of viable yeast. Put an airlock with K-Meta on top and you should be good to go for the couple of days you will be gone. When you get back, give it a good stir, check the SG and see where your at then go from there as normal.
Like someone said earlier, watch your level, leave a good 3-5 inches of headspace depending on how active it is once you transfer to glass.
Well my SG was 1.035 today befor I had to go out of town. I left it in primeray becouse it was still high. But the good thing is I will be home on wendsday night and can rack then. I hope it will be ok till then.

Your wine will be fine as long as you keep it a t good temp. It may even be at the gravity reading you are looking for when you return.
Your wine will be fine as long as you keep it a t good temp. It may even be at the gravity reading you are looking for when you return.

Well the temp in the bucket is about 72. I would think this temp will be ok.



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