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  1. T

    How can I darken my Red Wine

    Use grape skin extract--it only adds color,no flavor
  2. T

    Niagara wine.

    Just ferment the grapes. Niagara is such a good white wine and it pains me how you tortured those grapes for nothing. We like to ferment them on the skins and the pulp----don't press them and use the juice only. You lose a lot of flavor that way. Niagara grapes should not be treated like a...
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    last year's Plum Wine

    Next time you make plum, add some tannin. 1/2 tsp per gallon. Also, a light dose of bentonite with the tannin will help too with clarity. If any of you can get a plum called Green Gauge, try making wine from them. A couple years ago we made quite a bit of wine from that plum and it is...
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    Strawberry Wine 2016

    You'll find out on your own.
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    Feeble fermentation

    I agree with Johnd. Lack of nutrient is the reason for sluggish ferments.
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    Juneberry / Saskatoon / Serviceberry Wine

    Service berry wine ends up tasting similar to cherry wine. Montrachet is a nice choice, just be sure to use a nutrient feeding schedule with this yeast as it makes quite a bit of H2S if it doesn't get sufficient nutrient. We like the PH around 3.4 Sure--it's always a good idea to use tannin...
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    Strawberry Wine 2016

    WAY too little fruit for 3 gallons of water. If you want to make excellent strawberry wine, use no water.
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    Food coloring? Need help!

    I agree with Dan,too. Grape skin extract does a great job for color and it has no flavor.
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    Muhammad Ali

    His boastfulness was only an act.
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    How's this year's garden

    I don't have to stand out in the sun to make wine. But working in a garden always requires being in the evil sun, which I hate. A garden becomes a JOB, and after many years of doing it as a kid, I just can't see the value in it.
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    How's this year's garden

    Why plant a garden when you can find a million veggie stands that sell produce for pennies? My mother made us kids slave all summer in our 1/2 acre garden. I vowed to never grow a veggie after that. Way too much work.
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    Muhammad Ali

    He was one cool dude.
  13. T

    Bentonite addition

    Time will often not clarify whites. I have lots of experience with that problem. Two things that affect how well the bentonite will work--one is PH and the other is tannin. The lower the PH, the stronger the positive charge is on the proteins. So when the negatively charged bentonite...
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    How long should I wait....

    Sorbating a kit is different from non-kit wines. And believe me,there's plenty of science---and logic--for not sorbating cloudy wine.
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    Back in to the Carboy

    Six or seven months is pretty early to be bottling. As you've found, not all the CO2 is necessarily gone in that time frame. A wine like elderberry also needs at least a year in bulk aging to get all debris out. We have some elderberry in long term storage--5 years. It's really nice after all...
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    Bentonite addition

    Depends on the white. Bentonite was actually first used specifically for whites. We use it on whites and it makes the wine crystal clear. A lite dose is 1/2 tsp to 1/2 cup of hot water for 5 gallons. A mid level dose is 1 1/2 tsp to 3/4 cup of hot water. Mix in a blender to eliminate lumps...
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    How long should I wait....

    Be sure that your wine is clear before sorbating because it won't work when the wine is loaded with yeast cells. You must have bulk aged and racked off the bulk of the cells, THEN sorbate. In truth--it's the bulk aging that stabilizes a wine---not the sorbate. All sorbate does is prevent the...
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    Sour Aftertaste

    To me, Pinot Noir tastes strange as a fruit forward wine. Meaning to say--no MLF. This is one wine that really needs an MLF to bring out all its flavor characteristics and smooth it out. And the thing about this grape is that it takes a long time aging to bring out its flavor. While young...
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    I think it's "Stuck" - Add Nutrient, Energizer, or...?

    It's stuck because of lack of nutrient. One upfront dose of nutrient is not enough. Step feeding nutrient in 2 or 3 doses is the way to go. Do some reading on nutrient, as posting the entire protocol would take a lot of time and there is much already written on it at various sites.
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    Fresh Peach

    MoreWine carries the Lallzyme. Regarding the bentonite---To figure out how much you need, it's a nice idea to know your PH, as bentonite is more effective at a lower PH. The positive charge on proteins is stronger at a lower PH. So a low level addition of bentonite may be all you need which is...