How's this year's garden

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Feb 9, 2010
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Has everybody got this year's garden planted?

Care to share?

I do container gardening on my deck. Finally got mine planted last weekend...

8 cucumbers,
2 potato planters (the large ones)
3 potted cherry peppers
10 pots of basil
3 pots of parsley
2 pots of rosemary
1 pot of cilantro,
3 pots of thyme.

For looks, I have 4 flower boxes and two hanging baskets also planted.

I know this must look a little sad....

This year

170 rhubarb plants put in
3x90 foot rows of onion sets
90 foot row of peas
40 feet of leeks,
90 feet of favor beans
45 feet of red beets, 45 feet of golden beets
14 tomato plants
12 eggplant
Green and red cabbage
4 kinds of lettuce
Pink eyed purple hulled peas
Daikon radish
Red radish
Three kinds of sweet corn
Zucchini and yellow squash
Two kinds of jack o lanterns
A row of basil
Collard greens
Red and white potatoes

I'm sure I'm forgetting something. We have ~2500 sq ft of garden this year.
tmw;dnp :)

The above is like "tl;dr" (too long, didn't read) Except mine stands for "Too much work; did not plant"
My garden is doing well. It was dry enough that I was able to get it rototilled and the seeds planted on April 21st which gave me a nice head start on things. Planted are snow peas, swiss chard, romaine lettuce, scallions, purple radishes, carrots and just for chuckles I planted some potatoes in the back row next to the house. In the 5 pots in the photo are cherry tomatoes which I transplanted from the garden where I found them when I weeded yesterday. They grew from seed from rotted tomatoes from last year. This photo was taken a week ago and the veggies have grown quite a bit more since then.

Garden May 2016.JPG
This year

170 rhubarb plants put in
3x90 foot rows of onion sets
90 foot row of peas
40 feet of leeks,
90 feet of favor beans
45 feet of red beets, 45 feet of golden beets
14 tomato plants
12 eggplant
Green and red cabbage
4 kinds of lettuce
Pink eyed purple hulled peas
Daikon radish
Red radish
Three kinds of sweet corn
Zucchini and yellow squash
Two kinds of jack o lanterns
A row of basil
Collard greens
Red and white potatoes

I'm sure I'm forgetting something. We have ~2500 sq ft of garden this year.

Is that all just for you? I'm assuming you make wine with the Rhubarb, but man, that's a lot of veg!
@GreginND what does Ruhbarb look like coming out of ground I planted 2 Ruhbarb last year and just broke off a piece of elderberry stem to mark them well this year I have 2 elderberry plants lol can't beleif they started! I have one that could possibly be a Ruhbarb but not sure what they look like and I don't want to disturb the roots by digging around and how long do they usually take to show? I haven't been able to find any results on the web googling again lol and wow you'll be so busy tending to those veges you won't have the time to eat any do what I do I eat straight out of the garden lol I have 4 gardens number 1 a strawberry patch, number2 asparagus, Ruhbarb and horseradish, number 3 your basic vege garden with tomatoes- cherry, beef steak, Roma, big boy and I think early girl, jalapeño peppers, green and red peppers, corn, cucumbers, bush beans, squash, cantaloupe, watermelon number 4 raised garden kale, lettuce, spinach and I forgot I have a small herb garden too! No pictures yet sorry I'll get some soon hopefully before the weeds move in lol make a lot of pesto with that basil?

We have tomatoes, sweet and hot peppers, yellow and zuccinni squash, mint, thyme, oregino, onions, garlic, eggplants, tulips, daffodills, and a ton of zinnias this year. Lotta sheep manure, lotta rain, lotta growth, pretty garden so far.
Hi All, very impressive gardens! One question, what do you all do to protect against deer and rabbits? That is my big issue here, although all I have is herbs (mint, basil, rosemary, parsley, oregano).

In my neighborhood we are restricted in planting gardens. Most people who have them, have only a modest container set up.
Hi All, very impressive gardens! One question, what do you all do to protect against deer and rabbits? That is my big issue here, although all I have is herbs (mint, basil, rosemary, parsley, oregano).

In my neighborhood we are restricted in planting gardens. Most people who have them, have only a modest container set up.

See if your local barbershop will give you some hair.. Sprinkle it around the garden. Should help with both critters. Arne.
Here are some pictures of the rhubarb patch. I don't have pics yet of the main veggie garden yet but things are just starting to grow. The veggies will be for us and to share. Last year we sold some through our local coop. That won't happen this year but we will likely sell produce at the winery. I think we will have more onions than we know what to do with. Forgot to mention the Asian and slicing cucumbers.

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See if your local barbershop will give you some hair.. Sprinkle it around the garden. Should help with both critters. Arne.

fence it tall works best....if you live in a neighborhood the deer are used to people and hair from the barbershop will not bother them at all, they know what people smell like...wife is a hair dresser, we tried it, it did not does work well the compost pile.

we view the deer as our mobile protein plot....we feed them a little bit, they feed us a little bit...paybacks are hell sometimes!
Thanks GreginND that's exactly what I pictured in my mind don't think mine are gonna come up lol I plant dill around the garden seems to deter everything! That and take my dog a walk in and around my garden. When brushing the dog I save the hair and place some in strawberry patch. It's dog hair that works not human hair lol but nothing will keep those brave little Benny's away from my strawberry patch hey I might plant some more dill never tried it on my strawberry patch! I've had luck with dill and also srateagecally placing cucumbers and squashes on the outsides of the garden. Varment hate the feel of the leaves. Don't know if deer will walk on the leaves or not I just know keeps the coons out
Here is proof @JohnT and all y'alls gardens look great! :br
In Texas we get to start our gardens earlier than y'all do. The tomatoes are 5' tall and producing over 2 lbs of fruit every 3-4 days. We eat what we can and give away the rest.



Why plant a garden when you can find a million veggie stands that sell produce for pennies? My mother made us kids slave all summer in our 1/2 acre garden. I vowed to never grow a veggie after that. Way too much work.
Why plant a garden when you can find a million veggie stands that sell produce for pennies? My mother made us kids slave all summer in our 1/2 acre garden. I vowed to never grow a veggie after that. Way too much work.

Why make wine, you can find a million stores that sell wine? Because it's the magic start with a small hard seed and wind up feeding your face. It's battling the elements and cooperating with them at the same time to complete a successful harvest. AND...I know this stuff hasn't sprayed with all kinds of chemicals. Yeah, it is some work, but lugging all that produce into the house is a sense of accomplishment and it's just tastes better too. make a lot of pesto with that basil?

No, but I make up "Flavor Packs" for my tomato sauce. I take a small freezer bag and cram it full of basil (with a little thyme and parsley). I then fill the bag with water, seal it, and then freeze it.

The results are awesome. The water helps protect the herbs. When I make my sauce, I score the bag with a knife, peal the bag off, and chuck the frozen block of herbs right into the simmering sauce.

AHHHHH! fresh basil year round!
Another good deer deterrent

Homemade dried pepper flakes work well around here. Dry some of your hottest peppers until they can be crumbled then mix it with a little feed corn and sprinkle around the garden. The deer eat the corn and don't come back for a while.
Why plant a garden when you can find a million veggie stands that sell produce for pennies? My mother made us kids slave all summer in our 1/2 acre garden. I vowed to never grow a veggie after that. Way too much work.

Not all of us are so lucky to find millions of veggie stands around us. And any produce stands I can find don't have pink eyed purple hulled peas, japanese cucumbers, soybeans, thai chilis, etc. etc. etc.