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  1. S

    PH changed...odd

    Oh no, I pitched Sunday...or Saturday.. cant remember.. Anyhow the Brix is approaching 0. Fast ferment.. it's been very warm here (80s) So what should I do? Test again in a day or 2? then add again?
  2. S

    punch down

    wow! never heard of that... my must would overflow if i did that!
  3. S

    PH changed...odd

    This is only the second year i've used a proper PH instrument (Vinmetrica) and used tartaric acid to adjust... so I didn't know that PH can go back up after going down following a tartaric adjustment.. It went from 3.83 (initial) to a perfect 3.49 after tartaric addition (yesterday's reading)...
  4. S

    punch down

    thanks everyone...
  5. S

    DOn't have enough yeast - can I mix?

    Update: Things have progressed VERY WELL! Started with an SG of 1.100 on Sunday morning. It at 1.033 now. Very vigorous ferment.. temps in low 80s. PH was at 3.83 and TA at 6.2 when I began, I added tartaric and it's at 3.49 now! Perfect... Taste seems very good so far.. I will be performing...
  6. S

    punch down

    How often do you folks punch? I do a morning mid Pm and before I got to bed... how vigorous are your punch downs?
  7. S

    Covering during primary fermentation?

    Do you folks cover your primary fermenter during fermentation? If so, what do you use if your fermenter doesn't come with dedicated cover/lid? Thanks!
  8. S

    DOn't have enough yeast - can I mix?

    I added Go Ferm with the yeast... as per More Wine instructions... I just innoculated the must... I will add Ferm-aid as the fermentation commences... thanks!
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    DOn't have enough yeast - can I mix?

    Re-read Salcoco's post - He states that 5 gallons of finished = 60lbs of grapes... but I bouht 12 lugs @ 36lbs and that's 432 lbs. I'm terrble at math but that seems I still fall short... or am I miscalculating again? Either way, i'm stuck with what I got.. I wil go with BM 4x4. If I see...
  10. S

    DOn't have enough yeast - can I mix?

    Is it ok to mix in last year's ICVD254 (8gr) with the 5 packets of BM4x4 or just go with the 5 packets of BM? thanks!!
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    DOn't have enough yeast - can I mix?

    Well, I hope someone gets back to me soon as I don't have much of a window... my wine supply guy is closed until Tuesday...
  12. S

    DOn't have enough yeast - can I mix?

    I didn't buy enough yeast... (BM4x4) - I have some ICVD254 - can I mix it in? I need to innoculate by tonight because I bought my fresh must last night... I have 47 gallons of must and the packets state that the 5 grams is good for up to 6 gallons. I have only 5 packets so enough for 30...
  13. S

    How long to wait after adding S02 to kill native yeast?

    So I am "cleaning the slate" today to my crsuhed grapes. After adding the S02, how long should I wait before adding yeast and yeast nutrients? I went through my MoreWine manual but boy is info deeply buried in that document... Thanks!
  14. S

    Anyone Growing Marquette Grapes?

    Geez for a second I thought those were Marquette vines!
  15. S

    Anyone Growing Marquette Grapes?

    Sounds about right... i think i get roughly 2.3 gallons (9 L/lug) of finished wine per lug.
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    Anyone Growing Marquette Grapes?

    Thank you!' My yard is north facing. Should i make a pergola that runs length wise in a north-south direction or east to west? Where should the vines be planted along the pergola? How far apart? and Lastly, how tall should the pergola be constructed? What kind of yield can I expect from 6...
  17. S

    Anyone Growing Marquette Grapes?

    I want to grow marquette but I do not want to set a the typical grape wine trellis system. Is there an alternative whereby I can set up more of a pergola to grow them and still achieve some decent yield? I only want to plant about 4 to 6 vines. Are they deep rooted? Thanks for any help!
  18. S

    Weird looking (and smelling) Kmeta

    The seller (a wine and beer making outlet in toronto) is sending me Kmeta.. he admitted to the error and apologized... By the way, never used potassium sorbate- what can i use it for?
  19. S

    Weird looking (and smelling) Kmeta

    I am not sure if this is Kmeta... doesn't smell anything like it and I have never seen this texture. It's usually a fine powder. May be sending it back onceI hear what seller has to say... Thoughts?