Weird looking (and smelling) Kmeta

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Junior Member
Dec 26, 2014
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I am not sure if this is Kmeta... doesn't smell anything like it and I have never seen this texture. It's usually a fine powder. May be sending it back onceI hear what seller has to say...


I agree that it certainly looks like potassium sorbate. As soon as I saw your picture I thought that without seeing NorCals pictures. Contact the seller and notify them of the mixup and they may send you the right stuff.
They may have a lot of straightening out to do. I also made it for k-sorb, so I'm sure they're hearing from other customers if they've done much of this.
"rut roh shraggy"
Agree with all the above, someone made a goof. I think they mislabeled their sorbate.
That's a good catch, luckily you can see a difference between the two.

Concerning a different material, I had a supplier send me .1N sodium hydroxide that was labeled .01N, which caused my free so2 testing results to be low by a factor of 10. Since you can't tell concentration by looking, I now use a standard to verify sodium hydroxide strength.
Therein lies the problem when purchasing chem's from LHBS or online (3rd party) sellers (eBay etc.) who repackage a large quantity into smaller lots. Mistakes happen. Good catch for sure!
The seller (a wine and beer making outlet in toronto) is sending me Kmeta.. he admitted to the error and apologized...

By the way, never used potassium sorbate- what can i use it for?
If you backsweeten a wine or have one that doesn't ferment to dry you will need that to keep it from potentially fermenting the extra sugars down the road.

The seller (a wine and beer making outlet in toronto) is sending me Kmeta.. he admitted to the error and apologized...

By the way, never used potassium sorbate- what can i use it for?
The seller (a wine and beer making outlet in toronto) is sending me Kmeta.. he admitted to the error and apologized...

By the way, never used potassium sorbate- what can i use it for?

If you were going to back sweeten some wine, you'd add some of the sorbate first to prevent yeast from multiplying.

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