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  1. D

    Air lock run dry

    I need to call on all your experiences for my problem - the air lock on my carboy has run dry. Not really a problem usually but it has probably been that way for about 6 months. :slp What should I do now?
  2. D

    Misjudged My Primary

    No F Pack or sorbates This is going ultra-dry so just the sulfites.
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    Misjudged My Primary

    1. Real fruit Blackcurrant/Loganberry/Raspberry 2. A general wine yeast 3. SG at 1.092 before I added yeast 4. 7 days (6 with yeast, very low fermentation activity on last 36 hours...
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    Misjudged My Primary

    I waited a bit too long on my primary and have just transferred to secondary at 0.992 SG. It looks like I have also taken a lot of the lees with it. There isnt a lot of apparent fermentation going on, I've not had any bubbles thru the airlock yet, and to be honest I dont really expect any...
  5. D

    Is my low SG usual?

    4kg of fruit I got an fruit/sugar SG reading of 1.092 before I added the yeast so hopefully I am on target for 12-12.5%. The must has been fermenting well for the last 3 days so it all looks positive. I cooked the fruit to soften it before mashing. Do you see this as being a...
  6. D

    Is my low SG usual?

    Slow cooked berries for 15 minutes then mashed. Strained juice into fermenter & put pulp into nylon net. Left for 4 hours before I took the 1st SG reading. Because there isnt a 1.002 reading on any hydrometer table I had to assume a potental %vol alcohol of 0 I was aiming for a final...
  7. D

    Is my low SG usual?

    Already added pectic last night. Just measured again (24 hours after start) and the SG is at 1.092 so it's looking good for a nice, dry, Rose-looking wine. Added a "young" yeast starter so I guess I just sit back and wait. :sl
  8. D

    Is my low SG usual?

    I think i have read it right. I tested the hydro with just plain water and it read 1.000 :br so I know it was callibrated OK The must SG reading was just below this. The other things it may be are: - picked fruit too soon (not enough natural sugar) - too little fruit (used 8# of fruit...
  9. D

    Is my low SG usual?

    After two weeks of planning, reading, more planning, more reading and re-planning, I started my first ever batch of fresh fruit Blackcurrant / Loganberry / Raspbery yesterday and I took an SG reading BEFORE adding any sugar. I got 1.002 Now as a total noob I dont know if this is OK...
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    Storing Excess Liquid

    just a thought......if i put the excess in another bottle with a campden tablet to kill the yeast and fermentation, can I then use that liquid for topping up?
  11. D

    Storing Excess Liquid

    I have seen a video where someone has put a balloon with a small pin-prick over the neck of the wine bottle. :? :? :? :? I guess this would permit gas expansion and ventilation it it's own way.
  12. D

    Storing Excess Liquid

    Do they make drilled airlock bungs to fit wine bottles? I can only find 1 gal./carboy size ones.
  13. D

    Storing Excess Liquid

    Whats the best way to store excess liquid once it have been racked from primary into the secondary? Hopefully I will have some liquid left over when I fill my secondary 1 gal. carboy. I can then use that liquid for topping up. I could put say, 2 pints, into my other 1 gal. carboy, but...
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    Adding Sugar During Fermentation

    Guys, I am trying to caclulate my sugar requirements before I start my 1st batch, (just ballpark stuff so I can get an idea of what I need to look for). I am using the Hydrometer Table method listed in The Home Winemaking Book (M. Pesgens) I need clarification on the last part...
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    Planning my Primary Fermentation

    Thanks guys, just what I want to hear. It's my first attempt so wish me luck. :b
  16. D

    Planning my Primary Fermentation

    I am goint to start my 1st batch of Blackcurrant wine this weekend but I am going on vacation 2 weeks after. I can obviously watch over the process for the first 14 days but does anyone think it would be OK to leave the wine unchecked for a further 7 days and transfer to secondary...