18,000 Posts HOLY SMOKES!!!

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Mar 1, 2009
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For my 18,000 post I tried real hard to find the first post I made back in March of 2009 when I joined. I could not find it but I found something even better at the same time. It is a post with TxBrew welcoming Wade as our new Admin. If you read the thread (posted below) you will see Wade has not changed a single bit on managing this great forum. Before Wine Making Talk I was on a few other forums that Wade was on and none of them measure up to what WMT is today!

I can honestly tell you the last five years has been a great ride. I've met lots of great folks on this forum and many of them in person. The knowledge I've gained here is in-measurable and I still continue to learn something all the time. I hope ya'll stick around a while because the ride ain't over till the fat lady sings!

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It's easy Seth, he is a mod so he can go in and change it to what he wants! LOL Actually I'm not sure he can, but I can!

Oh and by the way Dan, congrats, but you will never catch Wade.
Mods can't change it Rich or I would have had him at minus 1 :). Dan has that many posts cuz he never shuts up!

Congrats Dan, there is a lot of advice in those posts
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Dan has so many because when your stuck in the corner with nothing to do the posts really add up!!!! :wy:gn
Congrats on being a little more than half of mine. :try
Dan, I can't think of a better post!
I had just joined shortly after wade became admin. And I remember all his help he gave me and everyone else that was around at that time.. All were and still are so wonderful!! Thank you!! All of you are very much appreciated!:try
You know that is like 10 post per day. Isn't there some saying about a life or looking for a life or ...................... (kidding of course)

congrats and cheers :b

Might I add that you bring an awful lot to the table. This forum would definitely not be the same without you.

Congrats on you 18,000th! I look forward to seeing the next 18,000.

Dan, great job! You certainly have been a huge help to me over the last couple of years since I joined. Your advice is invaluable, and your comments are spot-on :)

Looking forward to many more years of conversation!
Good on ya, Dan. What is that comment--oh yeah--that WOMEN talk alot!! I think ya disproved THAT one.

It will take me until 90 years of age to reach 18,000 posts!!!
Ok, Turok got me thinking...

I've been here about 2.5 years, posted about 2100 comments, run that out to about 18,000...

It will take me about 21.5 years to catch up with you, Dan.

My hope is to do just that! I'll be nearly 72 years old. I hope this forum still exists, then. :sl
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Dan all I can say is thanks so much for all of the advice and help.

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