ttalsma said:wade said:The Ice wine and the Blueberry mel sure are taking there time to get to
racking but there almost there. Theyre bubbling away though. Should be
ready to rack in the next few days. The melomel is at 1.034 and the Ice
is at 1.065. The ice wine will finish off between 1.050-1.060. I will
be racking the Watermelon White Merlot when the other 2 get racked so I
can clean all the stuff at once. They all smell really good. Ill be
starting the Blueberry Pinot Noir and the Symphony late this week or
this weekend. I also finally purchased a Portuguese floor corker to
ease bottling.
Do you have a recipe for the Blueberry Melomel? I'm thinking about making some, so a recipe would be helpful!
Well I started my 1st batch in my new room and it feels good to have alot of clean area.
6 gallon batch of above
15 lbs. of honey
9 lbs. frozen Wymans wild blueberries
3 lbs fresh blueberries frozen
3/8 tsp liquid pectic enzyme
6 tsp acid blend
2 quarts Wymans blueberry juice
4.5 gallons hot water to stir up the honey and breakdown the blueberries better.
6 tsp of yeast nutrient
3 tsp yeast energizer
6 crushed campden tabs since I still have some and will only use them in the beginning and to make sanitizer.
Starting SG of 1.100
Red Star Pasteur Red yeast.
This is a recipe by Waldo in which I tweahed to my taste. I wanted a little more Blueberry up front.
Edited by: wade