2011 Strawberry

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Dec 28, 2009
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This morning I started the task of steaming strawberries for the 2011 batch of wine. I thawed 40 lbs of Berries and the first batch is in the steamer. I'm going to shoot for 6 gallons of must and hope for 5 gallons of finished wine. I'll post a recipe when I'm done. It will most likely be e rendition of the strawberry kiwi minus the kiwi.
How may gallons U gonna do with 40#'s?

make sure you get more for a f-pac
How may gallons U gonna do with 40#'s?

make sure you get more for a f-pac

I acually have 44 lbs thawed right now. I was figuring on a 6 gallon batch which would be just over 7 lbs per gallon. I'm working on gallon 3 of juice now. I have another 12 lbs to juice. I'm getting about 7/8 gallon per 10 lbs so what I have thawed will yield 4 gallons of juice and I'll have to add some water as well. I will be adding raisins to the primary for additional body. I have another 60 lbs in the freezer which I'll thaw and juice the necessary amount for f-pac later.
Here's the recipe:

44 lbs of strawberries steam juiced yielded 4 gallons of juice.
6 tsp acid blend
3/4 tsp tannin
30 drops pectic enzyme
2 1/2 lbs raisins
sugar to 1.085-1.090
water to bring to 6 gallons.
1 tsp yeast energizer
2 tbls yeast nutrient
lavin 1122 yeast.

I steamed the strawberries yesterday and that produced 4 gallons of juice. I disolved in simmering water until water was clear the nececessary sugar to bring me to a reading of 1.092 (higher than I wanted). I added raisins acid blend and pectic enzyme yesterday. This morning upon checking sg, I obtained a reading of 1.98. I'm guessing undisolved sugar or sugar from the raisins accounted for this. I adjusted this back down to 1.094 by adding an additional 2 liters of water. This will bring my total volume to about 6 1/2 gallons of must. I pitched the yeast this morning about 10:30 am. I will be preparing a f-pac with more steamed strawberries when fermentation is complete.

Here are my initial readings at the time of pitching the yeast;

sg 1.094
TA .6275%
ph 2.94

you added the water before adding sugar?

Did you use WineCalc http://mpesgens.home.xs4all.nl/thwp/winecalc.html to figure how much sugar you need?

Did you ust the "must" to heat up to dissolve the sugar?

I added part of the sugar disolved (abt 6 lbs) in the water to bring to my 6 gallons knowing my sg would still be low based on the total amount of sugar that would be needed. I then used winecalc to determine remaining sugar needed based on my SG reading and used heated must to disolve remaining sugar.
I'm interested in trying this recipe this summer, when you say steam-juice, did you actually just steam the strawberries and that was the juice that was left over mixed with whatever water you were steaming with or did you boil them?
I'm interested in trying this recipe this summer, when you say steam-juice, did you actually just steam the strawberries and that was the juice that was left over mixed with whatever water you were steaming with or did you boil them?

Some of the members here have purchased steam juicers. I got mine on Amazon.
I'm interested in trying this recipe this summer, when you say steam-juice, did you actually just steam the strawberries and that was the juice that was left over mixed with whatever water you were steaming with or did you boil them?

Google Steam juicer.
Attached is a pix.

stweam juicer.jpg
Have a nice vigorous fermentation going when I stirred last night. I'll let it ferment to about 1.000 in the primary and then transfer to secondary.
I checked the SG this afternoon when I got home from work. Given that this started at 1.094 I was surprised that it was at 1.006 after 5 days.
Checked sg, .996 transferred into 7 gallon carboy and darn near filled it to the top. I have about a 5" diameter circle befor the top. That should suffice while it finishes fermenting and off gassing. Smells wonderful with a strong strawberry aroma coming through the wonderful smells of fermentation. Based on the almost 7 gallons, this equated to just over 6 lbs per gallon. My 2 1/2 lbs of raisins were squeezed to extract all the juice and the remaining raisins were no more than 2 cups. I'm planning on racking of the 4th of July weeekend and will stabilize at that point. Tentative bottling date will be the end of October depending on if I need carboys or not.
Remember there will be alot of sediment dropping in the next few months.
U gonna add a f-pac?
Remember there will be alot of sediment dropping in the next few months.
U gonna add a f-pac?

I will be adding an f-pac. I have an additional 56lbs of strawberries available in the freezer at this time. I'm looking forward to comparing this to last years batch as the fruit quantitly is higher and was steamed vs less quantity and fruit in a bag cut up last year.

Tom, what is your recommendation for quantity for f-pac?

I'll be re-checking acid and ph once fermentation is complete and will post those numbers at that time.
I will be adding an f-pac. I have an additional 56lbs of strawberries available in the freezer at this time. I'm looking forward to comparing this to last years batch as the fruit quantitly is higher and was steamed vs less quantity and fruit in a bag cut up last year.

Tom, what is your recommendation for quantity for f-pac?

I'll be re-checking acid and ph once fermentation is complete and will post those numbers at that time.

I would steam so U get 1 gallon. Then simmer to less than 2 qts
I would steam so U get 1 gallon. Then simmer to less than 2 qts

I'm aware of how to make a f-pac. Above is what I was looking for. I'll take another 10 lbs and use that as the base for my fpac. Thanks for your input Tom, it is appreciated as I know you make a fair quantity of the Strawberry Wine.

I know you sweeten to the maker's taste, but where does your strawberry usually end up. I believe last year's batch was 1.006 with out looking at my notes and I know Arrowhead Wine Cellar's streawberry is 1.100.

depends on how ripe the berries were and how many used. best to backswweeten after f-pac and then ck gravity. This can change year to year

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