Over stock of kits! No room to do South Africans! Lent starting!! Something's got to give, man!!
Bad time to quit drinking! LOL
Blanc de Noir shipped today. Now I've got 3 kits on deck.
Huh? I need to get the wheels moving, I ordered other stuff from LB yesterday and didn't know they had this already..!
I didn't either. It was due in March. By that, I guess they meant the 1st.
Called LP and mine is going out today.
What yeast are you planing on this kit? I think I am going with QA23 again...
Mine is arriving tomorrow and will start it right away.
Hate to spoil the party, but what does any of this have to do with RJ's 2017 RQ?
Hate to spoil the party, but what does any of this have to do with RJ's 2017 RQ?